Senin, 19 Desember 2011

IT Workshop Submission Deadline 9 January: IEEE Xplore/EI Compendex/ISI

We cordially invite you to submit a paper to the Workshop on Information Technology (WIT 2012), a part of the 9th FSKD conference to be jointly held from 29-31 May 2012, in Chongqing, China. Topics of WIT 2012 include (but are not limited to): Communications and Networking, Automation and Control, Computer applications, Software Engineering, Information Security, etc.. The submission deadline is 9 January 2012.

Renowned as the Mountain City, Chongqing is a magnet for visitors from home and abroad for its cultural heritage and numerous attractions. There are many karst caves, hot springs, and gorges in the area. Major tourist spots in and near Chongqing include Dazu Grottoes (rock carvings began in the Tang Dynasty 650 A.D.), Three Gorges, Jinyun Mountain Natural Reserve, Hongya Cave, Shibaozhai, Wulong Karst, etc..

All papers in the conference proceedings will be indexed by both EI Compendex and ISTP as with the past FSKD conferences. Extended versions of selected best papers will appear in an FSKD special issue of Computers & Mathematics with Applications, an SCI-indexed journal. The conference is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. The registration fee of US-D430 includes proceedings, lunches, dinners, banquet, coffee breaks, and all technical sessions.

Please submit your paper online at (During your electronic submission, select “FSKD’12” for Conference and “Information Technology for Knowledge Discovery” for Category).

Join us at this major event in beautiful Chongqing !!!

Organizing Committee

P.S.: Kindly forward to your colleagues and students in your school/department.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Call for papers Special Session on FPGAs in Industrial Informatics Applications

Call for papers

Special Session on FPGAs in Industrial Informatics Applications

IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial Informatics INDIN 2012

Deadline for submission of full papers special sessions: Jan 20, 2011

We do hope this day and future finds you in good health. We are writing to invite you to submit your unpublished worthy articles to Special Session on “FPGAs in Industrial Informatics Applications" of IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN'2012), which provides a rapid forum for the state of the art and future perspectives of industrial information technologies, where industry experts, researchers, and academics share ideas and experiences surrounding frontier technologies, breakthroughs and innovative solutions and applications.

The vision Hotel will be the Congress venue for the INDIN 2012. It occupies a total building area of 73,000 square meters, of which, 53,000 square meters for Vision Hotel area and 5A level international standard office building 20,000 square meters , with 22 floors above the ground and 3 floors under the ground; 325 rooms / suits of various high-end guestrooms; chinese, western and japanese restaurants, bars, wine lunges, multi-functional conference rooms, grand banquet halls,and 2,000m2 sports and recreation facilities; at the same time, the hotel has also executive floor and business center; all software and hardware arrangement of the hotel are configured and set up according to five-star hotel standard to ensure the highest quality of your enjoyment (

Previous conferences in the series were respectively held in Banff Canada (2003), Berlin Germany (2004), Perth Australia (2005), Singapore (2006), Vienna Austria (2007), Daejeon Korea (2008), Cardiff UK (2009), and Osaka Japan (2010), and Lisbon Portugal (2011). The INDIN2012 will be held on July 25-27, 2012 in Beijing, China. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia and to provide them with a platform to report on recent developments, achievements, deployments, technology trends and research results, as well as initiatives related to industrial informatics and their application.

To enhance the technical program and focus on specific topics and areas, INDIN'2012 will include special sessions, in addition to regular ones. Special sessions can cover subjects or cross-subjects belonging to the topics of interest, or novel topics related with the ones identified within the topics of interest. The aim of the "Special Session on FPGAs in Industrial Informatics Applications" is to disseminate articles which present studies for industrial informatics applications based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). As well-known, exploiting FPGAs intrinsic parallelism enabling the design of fast architectures and accommodating software algorithms, lead to efficient system-on-chip solutions. Interested authors are strongly encouraged to provide adequate description of the methodological findings and practical results of their works. The topics covered: Formal methods and tools for FPGA design (included model-based development, code generation, and design automation tools); Hardware-software co-design techniques; Architectures for application systems based on FPGAs; Efficient design methodologies (dedicated libraries, reusable IP, co-simulation, development kits or design packages) using FPGAs; and FPGA hardware implementations (signal and image processing, encryption methods, motor controls, computational Intelligence, robotics, etc).

Paper Submission:

Submission procedure and review process for special session papers will be as for regular papers.

Please submit full papers to the conference website address by November 30, 2011. All submitted papers should be in the form of .pdf file and are be limited to a maximum length of 6 pages (two columns IEEE Xplore format), including figures, tables and references. Please use the template which is available from the website. Upon acceptance, authors will be required to register and present their papers. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings only if at least one of the authors is officially registered. Each registration covers a maximum of two papers. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE proceedings volume to be included in IEEE xplore; papers not presented at the conference may not be included in IEEE Xplore. In addition to the technical sessions, several Keynote Addresses and Distinguish Invited Lectures on the State-of-the-Art in various tracks will be delivered.


For paper template of INDIN2012, please click here.

Important Dates:

Deadline for submission of invited/special sessions proposals: Nov 30, 2011

Deadline for submission of full papers (regular, invited/special sessions): Jan 20, 2012

Notification of acceptance: Mar 31, 2012

Deadline for submission of final manuscripts: Apr 30, 2012

Deadline for Authors’ Registration: May 31, 2012

INDIN'2012 File Download

Call for Papers.ppt

Best Paper Award:

Best Paper Award: Selection the best paper will be made at the Conference based on both the technical content and oral presentation. The winner will be selected by the Award Committee led by Dr. Weihai Chen.

We are looking forward to receiving quality submissions from you and your colleagues in near future.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

ICSAI 2012, Yantai, China: Submission Deadline 6 January [EI Compendex/ISTP/IEEE Xplore]

The 2012 International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI 2012) will be held from 19-21 May 2012 in Yantai, China. Submission Deadline is 6 January 2012.

ICSAI 2012 aims to be a premier international forum for scientists and researchers to present the state of the art of systems engineering and information science. Topics include (but are not limited to):


· Control and Automation Systems

· Power and Energy Systems

· Intelligent Systems

· Computer Systems and Applications


· Communications and Networking

· Image, Video, and Signal Processing

· Data Engineering and Data Mining

· Software Engineering

The registration fee of US$400 includes proceedings, lunches, dinners, banquet, coffee breaks, and all technical sessions. ICSAI 2012 is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.

All papers in conference proceedings will be indexed by both EI Compendex and ISTP, as well as the IEEE Xplore (IEEE Conference Record #19873; IEEE Catalog Number CFP1273R-CDR; ISBN: 978-1-4673-0197-8). Substantially extended versions of best papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of a SCI-indexed journal.

Yantai was listed as one of the world's most inhabitable places by the United Nations and was recognized as the "most charming city of China" by China Central Television. Undulating hills rise above the area's many rivers and are framed by beaches and neighboring islands. Famous tourist attractions include the Tashan Mountain, Kongdong Island, and Penglai Pavilion Scenic Area. Seafood and fruits are plentiful in Yantai.

For more information, visit the conference web page:

If you have any questions after visiting the conference web page, please email the secretariat at

Join us at this major event in beautiful Yantai !!!

Organizing Committee

P.S.: Kindly forward to your colleagues or students who may be interested.

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Jurnal Indonesia yang Sudah Mendapat Pengakuan sebagai JURNAL INTERNASIONAL

Jurnal Internasional Terbitan Indonesia (ada 8 Jurnal kita sudah diakui sebagai Jurnal Internasional)
Jurnal-jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola perguruan tinggi ternyata masih mengalami kesulitan untuk ditingkatkan menjadi jurnal internasional. Kendalanya yang dihadapi terutama di kualitas dan pembiayaan. Tidak mudah membuat sebuah jurnal menjadi jurnal internasional. Umumnya, adalah dengan memasukkan jurnal ke dalam situs Spocus, yang merupakan situs web database abstrak dan citation terbesar dengan data bersumber dari literatur-literatur yang dievaluasi oleh peer. Setelah sebuah jurnal memenuhi persyaratan Spocus, setiap tahunnya harus membayar sekitar 2.500 dollar AS . Agar bisa ditingkatkan menjadi jurnal internasional. Editor harus betul-betul pilihan, misalnya jurnal internasional ITB Journal of Science, naskah yang masuk datang dari peneliti di berbagai negara dan diperiksa kelayakannya oleh para editor. Para editor tersebut tidak hanya dari Indonesia saja. Ada sekitar 20 editor yang tersebar di Indonesia dan berbagai negara.
Di bawah ini adalah Kriteria Jurnal Internasional yang diakui Dunia Internasional termasuk Indonesia:
Sampai saat ini baru ada 8 Jurnal Indonesia yang telah indexing in Scopus (Sudah Peroleh Pengakuan sebagai Jurnal Internasional), yang terbaru adalah BCREC UNDIP

1. ITB Journal of Engineering Science, ISSN: 19783051, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
2. ITB Journal of Science, ISSN: 19783043, Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung
3. Indonesian Journal of Geography, ISSN: 00249521, Gadjah Mada University (
4. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, ISSN: 19782993, UNDIP
5. Acta medical Indonesia ISSN: 01259326, Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine (
6. Critical Care and Shock ISSN: 14107767, Indonesian Society of Critical Care Medicine (
7. Indonesian Quarterly, ISSN: 03042170, Centre for Strategic and International Studies
8. Nutrition Bulletin, ISSN: 02169363, Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia (

Yang di bawah ini adalah Jurnal terbitan ITB diantaranya 2 sudah diakui sebagai Jurnal Internasional.

ScienceCloud 2012 3rd Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing

Computational and Data Driven Sciences have become the third and fourth pillar of empirical sciences in addition to experimental and theoretical science. Scientific Computing has already begun to change how science is done, enabling scientific breakthroughs through new kinds of experiments that would have been impossible only a decade ago. Today’s science is generating datasets that are increasing exponentially in both complexity and volume, making their analysis, archival, and sharing one of the grand challenges of the 21st century. The support for data intensive computing is critical to advance modern science as storage systems have exposed a widening gap between their capacity and their bandwidth by more than 10-fold over the last decade. There is a growing need for advanced techniques to manipulate, visualize and interpret large datasets. Scientific Computing is the key to solving “grand challenges” in many domains and provide breakthrough in new knowledge, and it comes in many shapes and forms, from high-performance computing (HPC) which is heavily focused on compute-intensive applications, high-throughput computing (HTC) which focuses on using many computing resources over long periods of time to accomplish its computational tasks, many-task computing (MTC) which aims to bridge the gap between HPC and HTC by focusing on using many resources over short periods of time, to data-intensive computing which is heavily focused on data distribution and harnessing data locality by scheduling of computations close to the data.

The 3rd workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing (ScienceCloud) will provide the scientific community a dedicated forum for discussing new research, development, and deployment efforts in running these kinds of scientific computing workloads on Cloud Computing infrastructures. The ScienceCloud workshop will focus on the use of cloud-based technologies to meet new compute intensive and data intensive scientific challenges that are not well served by the current supercomputers, grids and HPC clusters. The workshop will aim to address questions such as: What architectural changes to the current cloud frameworks (hardware, operating systems, networking and/or programming models) are needed to support science? Dynamic information derived from remote instruments and coupled simulation, and sensor ensembles that stream data for realtime analysis are important emerging techniques in scientific and cyber-physical engineering systems. How can cloud technologies enable and adapt to these new scientific approaches dealing with dynamism? How are scientists using clouds? Are there scientific HPC/HTC/MTC workloads that are suitable candidates to take advantage of emerging cloud computing resources with high efficiency? Commercial public clouds provide easy access to cloud infrastructure for scientists. What are the gaps in commercial cloud offerings and how can they be adapted for running existing and novel eScience applications? What benefits exist by adopting the cloud model, over clusters, grids, or supercomputers? What factors are limiting clouds use or would make them more usable/efficient?

This workshop encourages interaction and cross-pollination between those developing applications, algorithms, software, hardware and networking, emphasizing scientific computing for such cloud platforms. We believe the workshop will be an excellent place to help the community define the current state, determine future goals, and define architectures and services for future science clouds.

Topics of Interest

We invite the submission of original work that is related to the topics below. The papers can be either short (5 pages) position papers, or long (10 pages) research papers. Topics of interest include (in the context of Cloud Computing):

  • Scientific application cases studies on cloud infrastructure
  • Performance evaluation of cloud environments and technologies
  • Fault tolerance and reliability in cloud system
  • Data-intensive workloads and tools on clouds
  • Use of programming models such as Map-Reduce and its implementations
  • Storage cloud architectures
  • I/O and Data management in the cloud
  • Workflow and resource management in the cloud
  • Use of cloud technologies (e.g., NoSQL databases, etc) for scientific applications
  • Data streaming and dynamic applications on clouds
  • Application of cloud concepts in HPC environments
  • High performance parallel file systems and interconnects in virtual environments
  • Research and best practices in Cloud security

For more details, please contact Yogesh Simmhan (

Download Flyer (PDF)

ScienceCloud is one of the workshops held in conjunction with HPDC'12:
Short Name Full Workshop Name
Application Domain
Astro-HPC 2012 Workshop on High-Performance Computing for Astronomy
ECMLS 2012 Emerging Computational Methods for the Life Sciences Workshop
Science Cloud 2012 Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing
SocMP 2012 Workshop on Social Media Processing
Data-Intensive Processing
DIDC 2012 Workshop on Data-Intensive Distributed Computing
ISDP 2012 In-Situ Data Processing Technologies
LSAP 2012 Workshop on Large-scale Systems and Applications Performance
MapReduce'12 Workshop on MapReduce and its Applications
VTDC-2012 Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing

Hot-ICE 2012 : 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Management of Internet, Cloud, and Enterprise Networks and Services

The second Hot-ICE workshop builds on the success of the first workshop last year and seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners working on network and service management in the Internet, cloud, and enterprise domains. The scope of Hot-ICE includes all aspects of network and service management. This includes traditional network management concerns, management of network services and/or services enabled by networks, management of clean-slate network architectures, and clean-slate designs of management architectures. We seek new ideas and experimental or operational insights that help make Internet, cloud, and enterprise networks and services more secure, more systematically or automatically configurable, more scalable, and able to achieve more predictable performance, better accountability, greater fault tolerance, and faster fault recovery.

Topics of specific interest include but are not restricted to:
Novel network and service management systems
Greenfield network management architectures and management of new network architectures
The use of data-mining techniques in network and service management
Network and service management aspects of existing and emerging network architectures (e.g., data-center networks, cloud architectures, data-centric architectures, software-defined architectures, mobile networks)
Management approaches that involve cross-domain and cross-layer techniques
Management techniques and tools for the verification, synthesis, diagnosis, and evaluation of network operations and policies
Novel pricing strategies for Internet, cloud, and enterprise network services

We invite short position papers or work-in-progress reports. Hot-ICE will particularly favor interesting and new ideas and early results that lead to well-founded position papers, i.e., papers that illustrate a firm understanding of the problem and can position the contribution in the broader context of related work. Once fully developed and evaluated, we envision that work presented at Hot-ICE will be published at relevant, high-quality conferences.

Papers will be selected primarily based on technical merit and originality, with additional consideration given to their potential to generate discussion at the workshop.

Hot-ICE evolved from earlier Internet Network Management (INM) workshops, which more recently combined with the Workshop on Research on Enterprise Networking (WREN). As such, Hot-ICE, while a new workshop, is serving an established community, but with a broader scope, in recognition of the evolving concerns of the community. Hot-ICE is modeled after other "Hot"-style workshops, seeking to provide a venue for discussing innovative ideas and early results in network and service management that have the potential to significantly influence the community.

Please contact the program co-chairs if you have questions concerning the relevance of your topic of interest.

Submitted papers must be no longer than six 8.5" x 11" pages. Your paper should be typeset in two-column format in 10-point type on 12 point (single-spaced) leading, with a text block no more than 6.5" wide by 9" deep. Submissions are single-blind; authors should include their names and affiliations as part of their submissions. Papers must be submitted via the Web submission form, which will be available here soon.

All papers will be available online to registered attendees before the workshop. If your accepted paper should not be published prior to the event, please notify The papers will be available online to everyone beginning on the day of the workshop, April 24, 2012.

Papers accompanied by nondisclosure agreement forms will not be considered. Accepted submissions will be treated as confidential prior to publication on the USENIX Hot-ICE '12 Web site; rejected submissions will be permanently treated as confidential.

Simultaneous submission of the same work to multiple venues, submission of previously published work, or plagiarism constitutes dishonesty or fraud. USENIX, like other scientific and technical conferences and journals, prohibits these practices and may take action against authors who have committed them. See the USENIX Conference Submissions Policy for details. Note, however, that we expect that many papers accepted for Hot-ICE '12 will eventually be extended as full papers suitable for presentation at future conferences. Questions? Contact your program co-chairs,, or the USENIX office,

Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS) 2012 Conference

The Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS) is an official chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). The annual SAIS conference is an intimate gathering of information systems academics with fewer than one hundred participants. Past SAIS conferences have attracted doctoral students and faculty, including many recognized scholars, from around the US and around the globe. SAIS 2012 will be held in Atlanta at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center.

SAIS 2012 provides an opportunity for close interaction among presenters and attendees. Both completed research and research-in-progress papers from all areas related to information systems are invited for submission. All papers will be included in the conference proceedings, and authors have the option of including their papers in the AIS e-Library. In addition, selected papers will be fast-tracked for publication in the new Journal of the Southern Association for Information Systems (JSAIS) (, with Craig Van Slyke as Editor-in-Chief.

The Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center uses Georgia Tech’s complimentary shuttle, the Tech Trolley. The Tech Trolley provides guests transportation arriving and departing from the Midtown MARTA transit station and the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center. The Tech Trolley will run 5:45 a.m. until 11:30 p.m., Monday through Friday at 6 minute intervals, Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at 36 minute intervals, and Sunday, 3 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.. The hotel can be reached by MARTA from the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport and has direct covered access to a MARTA transit station via a pedestrian sky bridge. There is also covered on-site parking available at the conference hotel.

Important Dates
Dec. 31st, 2011: Submission deadline for papers, panels, workshops, and tutorials
Feb. 10th, 2012: Acceptance notification
Feb. 24th, 2012: Early registration rate ends
Feb. 24th, 2012: Hotel reservation at discounted conference rate ends
Feb. 24th, 2012: Deadline for author registration & submission of final versions of accepted papers
Mar. 23–24th, 2012: Conference

Registration at the conference is open on the morning of March 23. The conference ends with lunch from 12:00pm to 2:00pm on March 24. For more information on the conference, please consult the SAIS Web site or contact the conference chair, George Schell, or the program chair, Adrian Gardiner.

Submission Guidelines
Submissions are accepted online for full papers, research-in-progress, workshops, tutorials. In addition, there is a separate track for papers authored solely by doctoral students. Submissions may not exceed six single-spaced pages (approximately 2,500 words), including all figures, tables, appendices, and references. Previously published work or work under review elsewhere is not eligible for submission. Please use the template posted on the conference Web page to prepare your submission. To facilitate a blind review, please do not include any author or affiliation identification on any page of the document, in headings, footers, or in properties of the submitted file. All authors must adhere to the AIS code of research conduct. Turnitin software will be utilized by the program chair as a tool to avoid issues of plagiarism and ensure academic integrity. Contact the program chair, Adrian Gardiner, if you are willing to serve as a reviewer to obtain keycode access.

All submissions and reviews will be submitted online at:
Please post and distribute this call for papers to interested colleagues and students

Call for Paper The topics of the ICSIIT 2012

Call for Paper

The topics of the ICSIIT 2012 includes, but not limited to:

  • Genetic Algorithms
  • DNA Computing
  • Optimization
  • Fuzzy Set
  • Probabilistic Reasoning
  • Chaos
  • Multi Agent System
  • Belief Network
  • Expert System
  • Computational Intelligent
  • Neural Network
  • Hybrid System
  • Data Mining
  • Decision Support System
  • Imaging
  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision
  • Computer Network
  • Data and Network Security
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Control System
  • Intelligent Information System


Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF, or RTF/DOC format at

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submitted papers will be blindly peer reviewed by at least three members of the international program committee and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers will
appear in the conference proceedings.

The submitted papers should not exceed 6 pages and must follow the ACM guidelines ( Paper will be submitted according to ACM template. You can obtain the template here.


For Overseas participants

Regular US$ 350 (early bird: US$325)
Student US$ 300 (early bird: US$275)
Additional paper US$ 75
Additional page US$ 10
Additional banquet ticket US$ 50
Additional proceeding US$ 25

For Local participants

Regular IDR 2.000.000 (early bird: IDR 1.750.000)
Student IDR 1.500.000 (early bird: IDR 1.250.000)
Additional paper IDR 400.000
Additional page IDR 50.000
Additional banquet ticket IDR 450.000
Additional proceeding IDR 200.000

*) Regular registration fee includes admission to all sessions, proceedings, conference kit, lunches, coffee breaks and banquet on 24 May 2012.

*) Student registration fee includes admission to all sessions, proceedings, conference kit, lunches, and coffee breaks, without banquet. Please provide a written proof of full-time student status.

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

CALL FOR PAPERS Jurnal Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan

Jurnal Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan
ISSN: 2089-3086
Jurnal Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan
Jurnal Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan (JIK) merupakan salah satu publikasi ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Islam Indonesia, sebagai media menuangkan ide dan pemikiran dalam bidang sain teknologi maupun sosial humaniora.
Edisi perdana jurnal Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan akan diterbitkan pada bulan Januari 2012 dan telah terdaftar pada PDII LIPI dengan ISSN 2089-3086. Kami membuka kesempatan bagi dosen, peneliti, mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum (LSM, pemerintah, industri, dll) untuk berpartisipasi mengirimkan hasil pemikiran berupa artikel hasil penelitian, artikel ulas balik (review/mini review) dan ulasan (feature) tema sesuai dengan Inovasi IPTEK dan Kewirausahaan.

Ketentuan Umum
  1. Penulis boleh individu maupun kelompok
  2. Naskah ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggis
  3. Naskah berupa tulisan asli yang belum pernah dipublikasikan oleh media manapun
  4. Naskah yang telah dikirimkan, menjadi hak tim redaksi untuk menerbitkannya
  5. Naskah diketik dengan jarak 1 spasi dengan kertas A4, maksimal 10 halaman
Panduan dan ketentuan lengkap penulisan jurnal dapat dilihat di website Naskah terseleksi akan dimuat dalam jurnal Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan terbitan perdana nomor 01 volume 01. Makalah dapat dikirimkan kepada Redaksi Jurnal Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan;

Batas Pengiriman Naskah
20 Desember 2011 untuk terbitan bulan Januari 2012, Volume 01 Nomor 01
20 April 2012 untuk terbitan bulan Mei 2012, Volume 01 Nomor 02
20 Agustus 2012 untuk terbitan bulan September 2012, Volume 01 Nomor 03

Redaksi Jurnal Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Islam Indonesia
Komplek Masjid Ulil Albab Lt. 3,
Jl. Kaliurang Km.14,4 Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia
Telepon. +62-274-898444 pesawat 2503
Fax. +62-274-898459 u.p. DPPM UII
Website :

Kontak Person:
Feris Firdaus, S.Si, M.Sc. (08170436061)
Dra. Umi W Marwandari (081904014048)

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

IT Workshop Submission Deadline 9 January: IEEE Xplore/EI Compendex/ISI

We cordially invite you to submit a paper to the Workshop on Information Technology (WIT 2012), a part of the 9th FSKD conference to be jointly held from 29-31 May 2012, in Chongqing, China. Topics of WIT 2012 include (but are not limited to): Communications and Networking, Automation and Control, Computer applications, Software Engineering, Information Security, etc.. The submission deadline is 9 January 2012.

Renowned as the Mountain City, Chongqing is a magnet for visitors from home and abroad for its cultural heritage and numerous attractions. There are many karst caves, hot springs, and gorges in the area. Major tourist spots in and near Chongqing include Dazu Grottoes (rock carvings began in the Tang Dynasty 650 A.D.), Three Gorges, Jinyun Mountain Natural Reserve, Hongya Cave, Shibaozhai, Wulong Karst, etc..

All papers in the conference proceedings will be indexed by both EI Compendex and ISTP as with the past FSKD conferences. Extended versions of selected best papers will appear in an FSKD special issue of Computers & Mathematics with Applications, an SCI-indexed journal. The conference is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. The registration fee of US-D430 includes proceedings, lunches, dinners, banquet, coffee breaks, and all technical sessions.

Please submit your paper online at (During your electronic submission, select “FSKD’12” for Conference and “Information Technology for Knowledge Discovery” for Category).

Join us at this major event in beautiful Chongqing !!!

Organizing Committee

P.S.: Kindly forward to your colleagues and students in your school/department.

Senin, 14 November 2011

HCW 2012 - 21st International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop (in conjunction with IPDPS 2012)

*** Call for Papers ***
HCW 2012 - 21st International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop
In conjunction with IPDPS 2012, May 21, 2012, Shanghai, China

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society,
through the Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP),
and by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Today, most computing systems have elements of heterogeneity. Heterogeneity springs
from the richness of environments where diversity and resource abundance prevail.
Recognizing, capturing, and efficiently exploiting this diversity in an integrated
and coherent manner are key goals of heterogeneous computing.

Heterogeneous computing systems are those with a range of diverse computing
resources that can be on a chip, within a computer, or on a local or geographically
distributed network. The development of heterogeneous multi-core chips and the
pervasive use of networks by all segments of society mean that the number and types
of heterogeneous computing resources are growing rapidly. This growth creates the
need and opportunity for new research to effectively utilize these resources in
innovative and novel ways. For example, cluster computing, grid computing,
peer-to-peer computing, and cloud computing all involve elements of heterogeneity.
The effective implementation of efficient applications in these environments,
however, requires that a host of issues be addressed that simply do not occur in
homogeneous systems.

Whereas many researchers and practitioners that use computers have a peripheral
awareness of heterogeneity in their respective fields, few critically approach
their fields from the heterogeneous perspective. This is not particularly
surprising, because each field has its own unique challenges and imperatives that
propel investigations in search of solutions to pressing problems. Addressing
computing problems from the heterogeneous perspective offers at least three
advantages: (i) the design and development of more advanced high-performance
computing platforms, (ii) insight into new solution approaches, and
(iii) exposure to new research opportunities and relationships among distinct
research areas. HCW encourages the examination of both hardware and software
systems from the perspective of heterogeneity.

With the increasing number of components in heterogeneous parallel and
distributed systems, failure is becoming a critical factor that impacts
application performance. High-performance computing systems, especially those
heading towards exascale, are also becoming increasingly heterogeneous and
hierarchical, expecting to routinely employ heterogeneous multicores,
various accelerators (such as GPUs), deeper memory hierarchies, and heterogeneous
and hierarchical communication networks.
This year, HCW is specifically encouraging (but not limited to) submissions that
explore paradigms, algorithms, and techniques for high performance heterogeneous

Areas or research interest include, but are not limited to, heterogeneity
aspects of:

- Parallel algorithms for heterogeneous and hierarchical systems, including
manycores and hardware accelerators (FPGAs, GPUs, etc.)
- Parallel algorithms for efficient problem solving on heterogeneous platforms
- Performance models and their use in the design of parallel and distributed
algorithms for heterogeneous platforms
- Programming paradigms and tools
- Fault tolerance
- Resource allocation and scheduling
- Computer architectures
- Performance evaluation and management
- High performance computing
- Cluster, Grid and Cloud computing
- Peer-to-peer computing
- Ubiquitous computing
- Application case studies
- Task and communication scheduling
- Task coordination and workflow

Paper submission: January 7, 2012
Author Notification: February 7, 2012
Camera-ready: February 21, 2012

Prospective authors are encouraged to visit the HCW 2012 website
( for instructions on how to submit their papers.

The HCW 2012 proceedings will be published through the IEEE Computer
Society Press as part of the IPDPS CD-ROM. The authors of accepted
papers will be also invited to submit extended versions of their
work to a special issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)
on Heterogeneity in Parallel and Distributed Computing that is planned for publication
in 2012.


General Chair:
Behrooz Shirazi, Washington State University, U.S.A.

Program Chair:
Alexey Lastovetsky, University College Dublin, Ireland

Steering Committee:
H. J. Siegel, Colorado State University, U.S.A., Chair
John Antonio, University of Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Francine Berman, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, U.S.A.
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, U.S.A.
Jerry Potter, Colorado State University, U.S.A.
Viktor K. Prasanna, University of Southern California, U.S.A.
Yves Robert, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
Arnold Rosenberg, Colorado State University, Northeastern University, U.S.A.
Vaidy Sunderam, Emory University, U.S.A.

Program Committee:
Shoukat Ali, IBM, Ireland
Francisco Almeida, University of La Laguna, Spain
Rosa Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center and CSIC, Spain
Ioana Banicescu, Mississippi State University, U.S.A.
Olivier Beaumont, INRIA, France
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, University of Maryland, U.S.A.
George Bosilca, University of Tennessee, U.S.A.
Eddy Caron, ENS-Lyon, France
Domingo Gimenez, University of Murcia, Spain
Alexey Kalinov, Cadence Design Systems, Russia
Tahar Kechadi, University College Dublin, Ireland
Jong-Kook Kim, Korea University, South Korea
Thomas Ludwig, University of Hamburg, Germany
Tony Maciejewski, Colorado State University, U.S.A.
John P. Morrison, University College Cork, Ireland
Dana Petcu, Western University of Timisoara, Romania
Antonio Plaza, University of Extremadura, Spain
Xiao Qin, Auburn University, U.S.A.
Enrique Quintana, University of Jaume I of Castellon, Spain
Ioan Raicu, Northwestern University, U.S.A.
Alistair Rendell, Australian National University, Australia
Gudula Runger, TU Chemnitz, Germany
Vladimir Rychkov, University College Dublin, Ireland
Uwe Schwiegelshohn, University of Dortmund, Germany
Stephen L. Scott, Tennessee Tech University & Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A.
James T. Smith, DigitalGlobe, U.S.A.
Leonel Sousa, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Stanimire Tomov, University of Tennessee, U.S.A.
Denis Trystram, IMAG, France
Carlos Varela, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, U.S.A.
Qin Zheng, A*Star, Singapore

Natural Language Processing and its Applications at The 25th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intel

Special Session: Natural Language Processing and its Applications
The 25th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering &
Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems
June 9-12, 2012 Dalian, China

The amount of information and knowledge represented in natural languages is vast and increasing rapidly as advances in modern communication significantly improve how human society create, share, and process information. This special session will reflect the recent progress in Natural Language Processing and provide a platform for researchers in this field to exchange ideas and further widen its applications. Session topics include but not limited to the following:

• Information extraction
• Information retrieval
• Biomedical text mining
• Clinical record management
• Text categorization
• Document clustering
• Word sense disambiguation
• Automatic text summarization
• Machine translation
• Parsing and Part-of-speech tagging
• Coreference resolution
• Discourse analysis
• Named entity recognition
• Natural language generation
• Natural language understanding
• Question answering
• Relationship extraction
• Sentiment analysis
• Speech recognition
• Speech segmentation
• Topic segmentation and recognition
• Word segmentation
• Word sense disambiguation
• Speech processing
Important dates
• Paper submission deadline: January 5, 2012
• Notification of acceptance: Feb. 1, 2012
• Camera ready form: Feb. 20, 2012
• Author registration: Feb 1, 2012
• Early registration: Before March 1, 2012
• Late registration: March 1, 2012
• Conference date: June 9-12, 2012

Submission format:

Authors are invited to electronically submit their paper, written in English, of up to 10 single spaced pages, presenting the results of original research or innovative practical applications relevant to the special session. Practical experiences with state-of-the-art AI methodologies are also acceptable when they reflect lessons of unique value to the conference attendees. Shorter works, up to 6 pages, to be presented in 10 minutes, may be submitted as SHORT PAPERS representing work in progress or suggesting possible research directions. Please visit the conference website at for submission format. All submissions for this special session should be at Please indicate that your submission is for this special session in the title of the first page of your submission.
Each submission will receive at least two reviews. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings as regular papers by Springer-Verlag (format instructions available at in its “Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence” series. Referees will be asked to nominate papers for a Best Paper Award to be announced at the conference. Outstanding papers in the session will be automatically considered for publication in an expanded form in selected international journals, including Applied Intelligence, Soft Computing, Evolutionary Intelligence, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.
Session organizers:
Dr. Hisham Al-Mubaid, University of Houston-Clear Lake,
Dr. Ping Chen, University of Houston-Downtown,

1st International Workshop on the Verification and Validation of Model Transformations

VOLT 2012
Co-located with ICST 2012
1st Workshop on the Verification and Validation of Model Transformations

Montréal, Québec, Canada
April 21st 2012

*** Call for Papers ***

Model transformation is at the heart of Model-Driven Development (MDD). Many experts have identified the verification of model transformation as one of the grand challenges of the domain. Despite some recent activity in the field, the work on the verification of model transformation remains scattered and a clear perspective on the subject in still not in sight. VOLT 2012 is the first workshop to offer researchers a dedicated forum to present, discuss, classify, integrate, and advance verification techniques of model transformation relevant to industry.

If we generically consider a model transformation as an algorithm describing a set of computations, then testing it or proving some of its properties can be envisaged through model checking or theorem proving. However, a model transformation performs a particular kind of computation where: (1) it operates on models, thus data at a high-level of abstraction rich in semantics and (2) from a pragmatic point of view, often only the initial input and the final output is of interest, glossing away from intermediate steps. These are primary fundamental differences between the verification of model transformation and typical model-based testing or model checking. A particular point of interest for VOLT is that model transformation is used to perform specific computations in the context of MDD, such as model refinement, refactoring, translation, synthesis, simulation, or synchronization. Thus useful verification techniques for model transformation can be specific to these activities.

VOLT’s interest spans both to academic and industrial practices. Part of the workshop is used as a forum for discussing practical applications of model transformation. The goal of the forum is to collect enough industrial case studies so that those problems can be stated at a theoretical level. In order to discuss these and further similar questions, we would like to invite submissions related to the following topics:

- Application of model checking or theorem proving to model transformation: what are the relevant properties to prove?
- Application of testing techniques to model transformation
- Verification of transformations of models expressed in languages defined using MOF or EMF
- Syntactic and semantic preservation of model transformations, particularly when translating models into different languages
- Verification of domain-specific model transformation, in contrast to general-purpose transformations
- Taxonomies of techniques for the verification of model transformation
- Case studies and experience reports
- Tools and automation
- Theoretical considerations

*** Publication ***

Submissions must follow the IEEE double column format. Authors may submit short papers (4 pages) or long papers (8 pages). The two best papers will be published in the Satellite Event Proceedings (LNCS) of the ICST conference.

*** Workshop Format ***

VOLT 2012 is a one-day workshop that is divided into two parts: paper presentations and discussions in working groups. We anticipate an enjoyable and exciting event where all participants will leave with answers or well-founded doubts ;) on model transformation and their validation & verification.

*** Important Dates ***

Submission: January 30, 2012
Notification to authors: February 25, 2012
Final version: March 10, 2012

*** Organization Committee ***

Levi Lúcio (McGill University, Canada)
Eugene Syriani (University of Alabama, USA)
Stephan Weißleder (Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany)

Kamis, 29 September 2011

Accessibility, Inclusion and Rehabilitation using Information Technologies

AIRtech 2011: Accessibility, Inclusion and Rehabilitation using Information Technologies
December 13th-15th 2011
Hotel Parque Central , La Havana, Cuba

AIRtech2011 aims to establish an open exchange dedicated to the presentation and discussion about accessibility, inclusion and rehabilitation using Information Technologies. We invite researchers working in this field to participate.

As main topics are those relating to the application of information technologies in accessibility to enable people with functional limitation to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, in inclusion for people with different abilities and preferences, and in rehabilitation.

General co-chairs:

Alejandro Mesejo Chiong ‐
Universidad de la Habana, Cuba

Antoni Jaume i Capó -

Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain

Submission details:

Authors are invited to submit a summary in English of no more than 2 pages in the format of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pdf). Instructions regarding this format: Submissions that do not conform to this format will not be accepted.
Summary should describe objectives, methodology used, results obtained, and their significance.
Please submit the summary 3 to Alejandro Mesejo Chiong ( and Antoni Jaume i Capó ( no later than 15th october 2011. Please include full contact information.

Important dates:

Submission: October 15th, 2011
Notification of acceptance: November 15th, 2011
Camera-ready Copies: December 1st, 2011
Registration deadline: December 8th, 2011

More information:


Hotel Parque Central, La Habana, Cuba.


Abstracts will be published at AIRtech 2011 proceedings, with ISBN.

Selected abstracts will be invited to submit an extended paper to the special collection: Accessibility, Inclusion and Rehabilitation using Information Technologies of Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology (JCR indexed, Impact Factor 2010: 0.205). Journal website:

Notification of selected summaries: December 15th, 2011.

Submission of extended papers: March 1st, 2012.
Notification of acceptance: maximum 9 month from March 1st, 2012.

Rabu, 28 September 2011

the 4th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks & Business Information System


On behalf of the organizing committee of the 4th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks & Business Information System ( WINBIS 2012 ), it is our pleasure to invite you to this international meeting again, which will take place at the Hotel Marshyandi, Kathmandul, Nepal from 27 th to 28th Febuary 2012. Since 2009 , Open Learning Society is organizing WINBIS and it's series every year.

WINBIS 2012 is now Well respected International Conference organized by "Open Learning Society ". Now WINBIS' is born in 4th Series held in Kathmandu Nepal.

WINBIS - 1st, 2nd and 3 rd Series was held in Kathmandu, Nepal on previous years. Due to the great success of WINBIS's previous series, Now Open Learning Society is trying to attempt 4th Series of WINBIS'11 again in Kathmandu Nepal on 27th - 28th Febuary, 2012 . WINBIS'2012 aims at bringing together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on Wireless Information, Communication technologies and Business Information.

The conference will cover research on all theoretical and practical aspects related to wireless Information network and Business Information System . The aim of this conference is to provide a leading edge forum to foster interaction between researchers and developers with the Wireless network and Business system , and to give attendees an opportunity to interact with experts in academia, industry, and governments.

We are looking forward to seeing you for this conference in the latest trends, topics and developments within the Wireless Information Networks & Business Information System and we hope you will enjoy the stay in this wonderful place in Nepal

Important Date :
Paper Submission : 30th Oct. 2011
Acceptance Notification : 10th Nov, 2011
Authorss /Early Registration : 25th Nov. 2011
Camera Ready : 20th Jan. 2012
Late Registration : 30th Jan. 2012
Conference Date : 27-28th Feb, 2012

Accepted and registered papers will be published in the conference proceedings , in the OLS digital library & International Journals with ISSN .
ISSN No : 2091-0266

Kamis, 22 September 2011

Call of Papers EvoGames Part of EvoStar, Malaga, Spain, 11-13 April 2012

Call For Papers

Call for Papers: EvoGames 2012
Part of EvoStar, Malaga, Spain, 11-13 April 2012

Games, and especially video games, are now a major part of the finance
and software industries, and an important field for cultural
expression. They also provide an excellent testbed for and application
of a wide range of computational intelligence methods including
evolutionary computation, neural networks, fuzzy systems, swarm
intelligence, and temporal difference learning. There has been a rapid
growth in research in this area over the last few years.

This event focuses on new computational intelligence or biologically
inspired techniques that may be of practical value for improvement of
existing games or creation of new games, as well as on innovative uses
of games to improve or test computational intelligence algorithms. We
expect application of the derived methods/theories to newly created or
existing games, preferably video games. Especially papers referring to
recent competitions (e.g. TORCS, Super Mario, Pac Man, StarCraft) are
very welcome. We invite prospective participants to submit full papers
following Springer’s LNCS guidelines.
Areas of Interest and Contributions

Topics include but are not limited to:

Computational Intelligence in video games
Intelligent avatars and new forms of player interaction
Player experience measurement and optimization
Procedural content generation
Human-like artificial adversaries and emotion modelling
Authentic movement, believable multi-agent control
Experimental methods for gameplay evaluation
Evolutionary testing and debugging of games
Adaptive and interactive narrative
Games related to social, economic, and financial simulations
Adaptive educational, serious and/or social games
General game intelligence (e.g. general purpose drop-n-play Non-Player Characters, NPCs)
Monte-Carlo tree search (MCTS)
Affective Computational Intelligence in Games

Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of evo*, published in a
volume of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, which will
be available at the Conference.

Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. The
submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee. The authors of accepted papers will have to improve
their paper on the basis of the reviewers’ comments and will be asked
to send a camera ready version of their manuscripts. At least one
author of each accepted work has to register for the conference and
attend the conference and present the work.
The reviewing process will be double-blind, please omit information
about the authors in the submitted paper. Submit your manuscript in
Springer LNCS format.

page limit: 10 pages

Important Dates
submission deadline: 30 November 2011
notification to authors: 14 January 2012
camera-ready deadline: 5 February 2012
evo* event: 11-13 April 2012

Programme Chairs:
Mike Preuss, TU Dortmund, Germany
Julian Togelius, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Georgios N. Yannakakis, IT University of Copenhagen, Dennmark

Georgios N. Yannakakis
Associate Professor
IT University of Copenhagen
Center for Computer Games Research (Room 3B02)
Addr: Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 CPH, DK

CALL FOR PAPERS on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Machine Learning and Inference Problems



ParLearning 2012
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing
for Machine Learning and Inference Problems
May 25, 2012
Shanghai, China
In Conjunction with IPDPS 2012




* Foster collaboration between HPC community and AI community

* Applying HPC techniques for learning problems
* Identifying HPC challenges from learning and inference
* Explore a critical emerging area with strong industry interest without overlapping with existing IPDPS workshops
* Great opportunity for researchers worldwide for collaborating with Chinese Academia and Industry



Authors are invited to submit manuscripts of original unpublished research that demonstrate a strong interplay between parallel/distributed computing techniques and

learning/inference applications, such as algorithm design and libraries/framework development on multicore/ manycore architectures, GPUs, clusters, supercomputers, cloud

computing platforms that target applications including but not limited to:

Learning and inference using large scale Bayesian Networks

Large scale inference algorithms using parallel TPIC models, clustering and SVM etc.
Parallel natural language processing (NLP).
Semantic inference for disambiguation of content on web or social media
Discovering and searching for patterns in audio or video content
On-line analytics for streaming text and multimedia content
Comparison of various HPC infrastructures for learning
Large scale learning applications in search engine and social networks
Distributed machine learning tools (e.g., Mahout and IBM parallel tool)
Real-time solutions for learning algorithms on parallel platforms



Workshop Paper Due December 19, 2011

Author Notification February 1, 2012
Camera-ready Paper Due February 21, 2012



Submitted manuscripts may not exceed 10 single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and


More format requirements will be posted on the IPDPS web page ( shortly after the author notification

Authors can purchase up to 2 additional pages for camera-ready papers after acceptance. Please find details on

All papers must be submitted through the EDAS portal. The portal will be open soon.

Students with accepted papers have a chance to apply for a travel award. Please find details at



All papers accepted by the workshop will be included in the proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, Workshops and PhD Forum

(IPDPSW), indexed in EI and possibly in SCI.



General Co-chairs:

Sutanay Choudhury, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
George Chin, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Yinglong Xia, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA

Local Chair:

Yihua Huang, Nanjing University, China

Program Co-chairs:

John Feo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Chandrika Kamath, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Anshul Gupta, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA

Program Committee:

Yi Wang, Tencent Holdings Lt., China
Enhong Chen, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Yihua Huang, Nanjing University, China
Weizhu Chen, Microsoft Research, China
Yangqiu Song, Microsoft Research, China
Haixun Wang, Microsoft Research, China
Edmond Chow, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Tina Eliassi-Rad, Rutgers University, USA
Lawrence B. Holder, Washington State University, USA
Yan Liu, University of Southern California, USA
Arindam Banerjee, University of Minnesota, USA
George Chin, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Oreste Villa, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Sutanay Choudhury, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Yinglong Xia, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Jun Wang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Jatin Chhugani, Intel Corp., USA
Arindam Pal, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Lexing Xie, Australian National University, AU


Haixun Wang
Microsoft Research, China


Should you have any questions regarding the workshop or this webpage, please contact yxia ~AT~ us DOT ibm DOT com, or sutanay DOT choudhury ~AT~ pnnl DOT gov.

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Future Generation Computer Systems The International Journal of Grid Computing and eScience

Future Generation Computer Systems
The International Journal of Grid Computing and eScience
Special Issue on “Resource Discovery Mechanisms for P2P Systems”

In the last years Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing has emerged as a milestone in distributed computing. It enables large-scale aggregation of resources (e.g. files, applications, services, storage, processing cycles and services) geographically distributed and belonging to unrelated administrative domains. Despite the results obtained by many researchers, advancing in ICT poses many challenges in terms of protocols, infrastructures, secure and efficient access and allocation of resources, fault tolerance, scalability and performance. Particular interest has been expressed on resource discovery, in which important aspects are expressiveness and effectiveness of the resource selection criteria. Being able to select in efficient way a set of resources that meets specific criteria is a requirement of many systems and applications such as Cloud systems and online-gaming applications. This special issue will focus on new methods and algorithms to efficiently and effectively access data distributed over large-scale P2P overlay networks.
Papers in the following topics (non-exhaustively) are welcome.

P2P solutions for Clouds, Datacenters and Grids
Publishing, Searching and Query Processing in P2P networks
Routing and fault-tolerance in P2P systems
P2P Overlays
P2P economics
Epidemic protocols and algorithms for P2P Networks
P2P applications and systems in mobile environments
Performance, robustness, and scalability

Guest Editors:
Dr. Laura Ricci
Department of Computer Science
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Dr. Ranieri Baraglia
Italian National Research Council
Information Science and Technology Institute
Pisa, Italy

Important Dates:
Paper submission: January, 15, 2012
Acceptance notification: April, 15, 2012
Final papers: May, 30, 2012
Publication: Late 2012

Submission Guidelines:
All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through the Elsevier Editorial System (EES). The authors must select “P2P‐RDM” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process. The EES website is located at

Submission Format:
The submitted papers must be written in English and describe original research which is not published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found at

Call For Papers Economic of Information Security (WEIS 2012) Berlin, Germany

Call For Papers

The 11th Annual Workshop on the Economic of Information Security (WEIS 2012)
Berlin, Germany, June 25-26, 2012

Information security and privacy continue to grow in importance, as threats
proliferate, privacy erodes, and attackers find new sources of value.
Yet the security of information systems and the privacy offered by them depends
on more than just technology. Each requires an understanding of the incentives
and trade-offs inherent to the behavior of systems and organizations. As
societyÕs dependence on information technology has deepened, policy-makers have
taken notice. Now more than ever, careful research is needed to
characterize accurately threats and countermeasures, in both the public and
private sectors.

The Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS) is the leading
forum for interdisciplinary scholarship on information security and privacy,
combining expertise from the fields of economics, social science, business, law,
policy, and computer science. Prior workshops have explored the role of
incentives between attackers and defenders of information systems, identified
market failures surrounding Internet security, quantified risks of personal data
disclosure, and assessed investments in cyber-defense. This workshop will build
on past efforts using empirical and analytic tools not only to understand
threats, but also to strengthen security and privacy through novel evaluations
of available solutions.

We encourage economists, computer scientists, business school researchers, legal
scholars, security and privacy specialists, as well as industry experts to
submit their research and participate by attending the workshop. Suggested
topics include (but are not limited to) empirical and theoretical studies of:

- Optimal investment in information security
- Models and analysis of online crime (including botnets, phishing, and spam)
- Risk management and cyber-insurance
- Security standards and regulation
- Cyber-security policy
- Security models and metrics
- Economics of privacy and anonymity
- Behavioral security and privacy
- Vulnerability discovery, disclosure, and patching
- Cyber-defense strategy and game theory
- Incentives for information sharing and cooperation

Submitted manuscripts should represent significant and novel research
contributions. WEIS has no formal formatting guidelines. Previous contributors
spanned fields from economics and psychology to computer science and law,
each with different norms and expectations about manuscript length and
formatting. Advisable rules of thumb include: using past WEIS accepted papers as
templates and adhering to your community's publication standards.

A selection of papers accepted to this workshop will be invited to appear in an
edited volume targeted to policy-makers, managers, researchers, and



Submissions due 24 February 2012
Notification of acceptance 13 April 2012
Final papers due 1 June 2012
Workshop 25-26 June 2012



* Rainer Boehme - University of Muenster

* Gert G. Wagner - DIW Berlin
* Nicola Jentzsch - DIW Berlin


* Alessandro Acquisti - Carnegie Mellon University
* Ross Anderson - University of Cambridge
* Rainer Boehme - University of Muenster
* L. Jean Camp - Indiana University
* Jonathan Cave - RAND Europe
* Huseyin Cavusoglu - University of Texas at Dallas
* Nicolas Christin - Carnegie Mellon University
* Benjamin Edelman - Harvard Business School
* Michel van Eeten - Delft University of Technology
* Jeremy Epstein - SRI International
* Allan Friedman - Brookings Institution
* Neil Gandal - Tel Aviv University
* Dan Geer - In-Q-Tel
* Lawrence Gordon - University of Maryland
* Jens Grossklags - Penn State University
* Thorsten Holz - Ruhr-University Bochum
* Jean-Pierre Hubaux - EPFL Lausanne
* Nicola Jentzsch - DIW Berlin
* M. Eric Johnson - Dartmouth Tuck School of Business
* Martin Loeb - University of Maryland
* Kanta Matsuura - University of Tokyo
* Tyler Moore - Wellesley College
* Andrew Odlyzko - University of Minnesota
* David Pym - University of Aberdeen
* Brent Rowe - RTI International
* Stuart Schechter - Microsoft Research
* Bruce Schneier - BT Counterpane
* Richard Sullivan - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
* Rahul Telang - Carnegie Mellon University
* Catherine Tucker - MIT
* Liad Wagman - Illinois Institute of Technology

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Call for Papers Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Aturan penulisan dalam RAPI 2011 sebagai berikut :

  • Extended abstract dibuat dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris terdiri atas 600-1000 kata
  • Mengandung 3-5 kata kunci
  • Memuat latar belakang(rumusan masalah)
  • Metode dan hasil
  • Cantumkan nama penulis, asal institusi dan alamat email


Bidang Kajian yang bisa diterima meliputi :

  1. Teknik Sipil
  2. Teknik Mesin
  3. Teknik Arsitektur
  4. Teknik Elektro
  5. Teknik Kimia
  6. Teknik Industri

Abstract atau makalah dikirimkan ke email : rapiums@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact person :

Hafidh Munawir (081 2150 0051)

Ika Setyaningsih (081 2152 6263)

email : rapiums@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

website :

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

3rd International Conference on Biosciences and Biotechnology

3rd International Conference on Biosciences and Biotechnology in Bali, 21-22 September 2011

The International Conference of Biosciences and Biotechnology aim to bring together researchers, scientists, industries, students to share and discuss their experiences, new ideas, research projects and experiences on bioscience and biotechnology aspects.

Global warming is undoubtedly becoming the most pressing issues of this century. Accompanying also with carbon emission debate, illegal logging, crisis of energy and food which affect entire world prosperity and sustainability.

The 3rd International Conference on Biosciences and Biotechnology aims to bring together researchers, scientists, industries, students to share and discuss their experiences, new ideas, research projects and experiences on bioscience and biotechnology aspects.

This 3rd international conference will bring together local and international scientists to discuss collaboration that can help solve our global problems

Contact Person:
I. B. Putra Manuaba
081 803 134 550

dr. Desak Made Wihandani
081 338 776 244

Yenni Ciawi, Ph.D
081 337 976 576,

Imprortant Dates:
Deadline for abstract submission
August 30th, 2011
Accepted abstracts notification
September 10th, 2011

Deadline for full paper submiss
September 12th, 2011
Deadline for normal registration
September 16th, 2011
all abstracts will be accepted, but that will be accepted oral limited and will be announced on September 10th, 2011

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