Senin, 30 Juli 2012
4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling & Simulation, CIMSim2012
Selected best papers in IJSSST.
Papers are invited on any aspect of computational intelligence, mathematical modelling and computer simulation, in particular the development of concepts, principles and algorithms and their applications in areas relevant to system engineering, science, technology, business, management and industry, to be presented at CIMSim2012. The event provides authors with an outstanding opportunity for networking and presenting their research findings at a top quality international conference.
- Computational Intelligence
- Neural Networks
- Fuzzy Systems
- Evolutionary Computation
- Autonomous Mental Development
- Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning
- Bio-informatics and Bio-engineering
- Computational Finance and Economics
- Data Mining
- Games, Virtual Reality and Visualization
- Emergent Technologies
- Intelligent Systems & Applications
- Hybrid Intelligent Systems
- Soft Computing and Hybrid Soft Computing
- Systems Intelligence
- Intelligence Systems
- Control of Intelligent Systems
- Control Intelligence
- e-Science and e-Systems
- Robotics, Cybernetics, Engineering, Manufacturing and Control
- Methodologies, Tools and Operations Research
- Discrete Event and Real Time Systems
- Image, Speech and Signal Processing
- Industry, Business and Management
- Human Factors and Social Issues
- Energy, Power Generation and Distribution
- Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation
- Supply Chain Management
- Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Systems
- Internet Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies
- Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks, mobicast, sensor placement, target tracking
- Performance Engineering of Computer & Communication Systems
- Sensor Nodes, Circuits, Devices, Wireless Sensor Networks
Suggested topics (other topics are also welcome): Simulation methodology and practice, languages, tools and techniques. Models and modelling tools. Data/object bases. Analytical and statistical tools. Simulators and simulation hardware, training simulators. Integration of simulation with concurrent engineering, integrated design and simulation systems. AI, intelligent systems, agent-based simulation, decision support systems, philosophical issues, analogies, metaphors, knowledge modelling, acquisition and synthesis of new knowledge/models, intelligent/adaptive behaviour, man/machine interaction, control systems. Parallel and distributed simulation, discrete event systems. Artificial neural networks, computational intelligence.
Applications include but not limited to:
• aerospace
• remote sensing
• wireless communication
• intelligence and simulation
• electronic circuits and systems
• communication and networks management
• games, war/conflict/rebellion modelling
• cognitive functions, semantics modelling/dynamics
• manufacturing; robotics
• measurement; monitoring
• safety critica1 systems
• military applications
Exhibitors: manufacturers of software and hardware, publishers, etc., are invited to apply to exhibit their products.
You are invited to submit:
- full paper of 6 pages (Letter format, see template on conference website) for oral presentation,
- proposal to organize a technical session and/or workshop.
Submissions must be original, unpublished work containing new and interesting results that demonstrate current research in all areas of computational intelligence, communication systems and networks and their applications in industry, business and commerce. The proceedings of the Conference will be published in the IEEE Digital Library. The conference is organised by Asia Modelling and Simulation Society and is co-sponsored by
- IEEE UK & RI Computer Chapter
- UK Simulation Society
- European Council for Modelling & Simulation
Paper Submission: CIMSim2012 is using EDAS for submission and registration. Authors need to:
- create an account with EDAS,
- open the list of conferences managed by EDAS & find CIMSim2012
- click on Submit button on the right to enter your paper title & abstract
- upload file.
Kindly promote CIMSim2012 to all your contacts in your university, country and worldwide. Following the 3rd event in the series last year in Langkawi, this year’s CIMSim2012 is promising to be another great international IEEE-published top quality event and offers an excellent opportunity to network with world specialists and forge new friendships and cooperation with colleagues in Europe, Asia and worldwide.
Selected papers will be considered for publication in the International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology, IJSSST:
Best regards and hope to see you in Kuantan 25-27 September!!
On behalf of
CIMSim2012 conference chairs.
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IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA
seminar Applied Science for Technology Innovation (ASTECHNOVA) 2012
Dengan ini kami mengundang Bapak / Ibu untuk mengirimkan extended abstract paper yang akan dipresentasikan. Paper yang diterima akan dicetak dan diterbitkan pada proceeding ber-ISSN.
- Perkembangan dan Penerapan Teknologi dan Keselamatan Nuklir
- Teknologi dan Ekonomi Sumber Energi Baru dan Terbarukan
- Green Technology (Recycle & Reuse, Green Building, Smart Building, Green Material) dalam industri, lingkungan dan ruang huni
- Teknologi Instrumentasi (Sistem Cerdas, Instrumentasi, Kontrol, Pengolahan Isyarat)
- Teknologi Bahan
1. | Deadline for extended abstract submission | August 26, 2012 |
2. | Notification of Acceptance | September 7, 2012 |
3. | Deadline for full paper submission | October 28, 2012 |
4. | Early-bird payment due date | October 28, 2012 |
5. | Regular payment due date | November 6, 2012 |
6. | Conference day | November 22, 2012 |
Info tentang submisi makalah dapat dilihat di
Mohon bantuan untuk meneruskan info ini ke mailist atau email rekan-rekan lain yang berpotensi dapat ikut aktif dalam seminar ini.
Terima kasih atas bantuannya.
Nazrul Effendy, Ph.D.
Ketua Panitia Seminar Astechnova 2012
Jurusan Teknik Fisika
Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Grafika 2, Yogyakarta
Kamis, 26 Juli 2012
International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2012) and 2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CIS
Topics of the BMEI 2012 Special Track on Informatics include (but are not limited to): Communications and Networking, Software Engineering, Data Engineering, Intelligent Computing, Information Security, Automation and Control, etc.. Due to numerous requests, the deadline for the 2nd (final) round of submissions is 30 July 2012 (papers already submitted in the 1st round should not be re-submitted and will receive review notifications on 18 June; however, authors who have submitted in the 1st round are welcome to submit new papers in the 2nd round).
We cordially invite you to submit a paper to the upcoming 2012 5th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2012) and 2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2012), to be jointly held from 16-18 October 2012, in Chongqing, China. BMEI'12-CISP'12 is a premier international forum for scientists and researchers to present the state of the art of multimedia, signal processing, biomedical engineering and informatics. BMEI'12-CISP'12 is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
As with past BMEI-CISP conferences, all papers in conference proceedings will be submitted to both EI Compendex and ISTP, as well as IEEE Xplore (IEEE Conference Record Number for BMEI'12: 20189; IEEE Conference Record Number for CISP'12: 20190; All BMEI-CISP 2008-2011 papers have already been indexed by EI Compendex and included in IEEE Xplore). Substantially extended versions of best papers will be considered for publication in a BMEI-CISP 2012 special issues of the Multimedia Tools and Applications and China Communications journals (both SCI-indexed).
Renowned as the Mountain City, Chongqing is a magnet for visitors from home and abroad for its cultural heritage and numerous attractions. There are many karst caves, hot springs, and gorges in the area. Major tourist spots in and near Chongqing include Dazu Grottoes (rock carvings began in the Tang Dynasty 650 A.D.), Three Gorges, Jinyun Mountain Natural Reserve, Hongya Cave, Shibaozhai, Wulong Karst, etc.. The registration fee of US$390 includes proceedings, lunches, dinners, banquet, coffee breaks, and all technical sessions.
To promote international participation of researchers from outside the country/region where the conference is held (i.e., China’s mainland), researchers outside of China’s mainland are encouraged to propose invited sessions. The first author of each paper in an invited session must not be affiliated with an organization in China’s mainland. All papers in the invited sessions can be marked as "Invited Paper". The organizer(s) for each invited session with at least 6 registered papers will (jointly) enjoy an honorarium of US*D 400. Invited session organizers will solicit submissions, conduct reviews and recommend accept/reject decisions on the submitted papers. Invited session organizers will be able to set their own submission and review schedules, as long as a list of recommended papers is determined by 10 August 2012. Each invited session proposal should include: (1) the name, bio, and contact information of each organizer of the invited session; (2) the title and a short synopsis of the invited session. Please send your proposal to
For more information, visit the conference web page:
If you have any questions after visiting the conference web page, please email the secretariat at
Join us at this major event in beautiful Chongqing !!!
Organizing Committee
Rabu, 11 Juli 2012
IAES Power Electronics and Drives Call for Chapter Contributions 2012 (MY)
The call for chapter is open to submission from scholars and experts in the wide areas of power electronics and electrical drive systems from the global world. This book is intended to examine a wide range of topics related to technique for advanced power semiconductor devices, control in power electronics, low and high power converters (inverters, converters, controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers), Control algorithms and techniques applied to power electronics, electromagnetic and thermal performance of electronic power converters and inverters, power quality and utility applications, renewable energy, electric machines, modelling, simulation, analysis, design and implementations of the application of power circuit components (power semiconductors, inductors, high frequency transformers, capacitors), EMI/EMC considerations, power devices and components, sensors, integration and packaging, applications in motor drives, wind energy systems, solar, battery chargers, UPS and hybrid systems and other applications. The emphasis will be put on the technology and applications of power electronics, machines and drives. We are looking for book chapter contributions with applications in the above topics, and beyond that can be used by the power electronics and drives community for undergraduates, graduates, researchers, and industrial practitioners. Editor: IJPEDS Editors Advantages for Authors:
Electronics submission: Book chapters should be prepared according to the standard IAES format. All potential chapters are required to be submitted electronically as online submision in original source file (MS Word file format) or as email to ijpeds {at} |
Seminar Nasional Microwave Antena dan Propagasi 2012 (SMAP2012)
Mohon maaf sebelumnya bila kurang berkenan dengan email berikut ini.
Demi terwujudnya integrasi dari para peneliti, dosen dan praktisi serta regulator di bidang Microwave, Antena dan Propagasi di Indonesia, kami memfasilitasi integrasi tersebut dengan acara Seminar Nasional Microwave Antena dan Propagasi 2012 (SMAP2012), kami bermaksud memberikan informasi perubahan jadwal batas akhir pengumpulan makalah SMAP2012.
Jadwal lengkap mengenai pengiriman makalah adalah sebagai berikut:
Batas Akhir Pengiriman Makalah diperpanjang menjadi: 27 Juli 2012 Pukul 24:00 WIB (NEW)
Pengiriman Makalah Siapa Cetak: sampai dengan 10 September 2012
Registrasi: 6 Agustus - 14 September 2012
Workshop: 2 Oktober 2012
Seminar dan Pameran: 3 Oktober 2012
Makalah diharapkan antara 2 - 4 halaman.
Template makalah dapat diunduh di alamat website
Setiap makalah yang telah diregistrasi, wajib untuk dipresentasikan di Seminar ini.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi laman web berikut ini:
Untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi:
Ditunggu makalah dari Bapak/Ibu sekalian untuk disampaikan pada SMAP 2012.
Kami mohon kesediaan Bapak/Ibu juga untuk dapat menyebarluaskan undangan ini ke semua jejaring yang Bapak/Ibu miliki.
Terima kasih banyak.
Kami attach juga Leaflet CFP, Template Makalah dan Cara Pengiriman Makalah.
Hormat kami,
Seminar Nasional
Seminar ini diselenggarakan oleh IEEE Indonesia Joint Chapter Microwave, Theory and Techniques dan Antennas and Propagation (MTT/AP), ditujukan sebagai forum untuk mendorong penelitian di bidang microwave, antena, propagasi dan bidang terkait lainnya. Selain itu juga, memberikan kesempatan untuk saling berbagi pengalaman dan membangun jaringan di antara para penggiat bidang microwave, antena, propagasi dan bidang terkait lainnya.
SMAP 2012 akan diadakan di Pusat Studi Jepang, Universitas Indonesia, Depok pada tanggal 2–3 Oktober 2012.
Topik-topik makalah mencakup, namun tidak terbatas pada:
- Antena
- Elektromagnetika
- Elektronika Radio
- Fotonik
- Komunikasi Nirkabel
- Komunikasi Pita Lebar
- MEMS Radio
- Microwave
- Pendidikan Keteknikan
- Propagasi Gelombang Radio
- Radar dan Satelit
- Rangkaian dan Sistem
- Teknik Radio
Selain itu, kami juga berencana menyelenggarakan Workshop Microwave dengan topik "Desain Antena dan Divais Microwave Pasif" yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2012.
Biaya Registrasi peserta adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Seminar dan Workshop
Mahasiswa anggota IEEE: Rp 400.000,-
Mahasiswa non anggota IEEE: Rp 500.000,-
Umum anggota MTT/AP Chapter: Rp 800.000,-
Umum anggota IEEE: Rp 900.000,-
Umum non anggota IEEE: Rp 1.000.000,-
2. Workshop saja
Mahasiswa anggota IEEE: Rp 200.000,-
Mahasiswa non anggota IEEE: Rp 250.000,-
Umum anggota MTT/AP Chapter: Rp 400.000,-
Umum anggota IEEE: Rp 500.000,-
Umum non anggota IEEE: Rp 600.000,-
3. Seminar saja
Mahasiswa anggota IEEE: Rp 300.000,-
Mahasiswa non anggota IEEE: Rp 350.000,-
Umum anggota MTT/AP Chapter: Rp 500.000,-
Umum anggota IEEE: Rp 600.000,-
Umum non anggota IEEE: Rp 700.000,-
Attachment(s) from wahyu pamungkas
3 of 3 File(s)
Minggu, 08 Juli 2012
Call for Papers Seminar Nasional Informatika Medis (SNIMed III)
- Memberikan pengetahuan tentang hukum informatika medis yang meliputi isu-isu operasional, etika dan privacy penggunaan teknologi informasi untuk pelayanan kesehatan.
- Memberikan pengetahuan tentang aplikasi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi ditinjau dari perspektif hukum.
- Memberikan pengetahuan tentang peran penyedia layanan kesehatan dalam pemberian informasi tentang data kesehatan.
- Mendiseminasikan hasil penelitian para akademisi dan praktisi yang terkait dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di bidang kesehatan ditinjau dari berbagai aspek (hukum, ekonomi, bisnis, klinis, dll).
Topik yang akan dibahas dalam SNIMed III 2012 meliputi berbagai hal yang terkait dengan informatika medis. Contoh bidang yang terkait, tanpa bermaksud membatasi, adalah:
- Sistem pendukung keputusan klinis
- Pencitraan dan pengolahan citra medis
- Sistem informasi manajemen kesehatan
- E-Health and telemedicine
- Visualisasi dan simulasi medis
- Informatika farmasi
- Aspek hukum informatika medis
- Aspek ekonomi informatika medis
- Lain-lain
Sabtu, 1 September 2012 |
Lokasi: Kampus Terpadu UII Yogyakarta |
Batas penerimaan full paper
Pengumuman penerimaan
Batas penerimaan camera ready paper
Pelaksanaan dan seminar
Prof. Tati Latifah Erawati Rajab Pencitraan Medis Teknik Informatika ITB |
Prof. Dr. dr. Agus Purwadianto DFM., S.H., M.Si.Sp.F(K) Kedokteran Forensik Fakultas Kedokteran UI |
Dr. Arif Setiawan Hukum Informatika Kesehatan Fakultas Hukum UII |
: | |
Phone | : +62 274 895287, 895007 (Sdri. Esti), |
Fax | : +62 274 895007 |
Mobile | : +6285290131303 (Sdri. Dhatik) |
+6281392469391 (Sdr. Jerry) |