Selasa, 29 April 2014

ICTS 2014 Call For Papers International Conference on Information and Communication Technology & System


ICTS is a technical co-sponsored IEEE conference and organized by Informatics Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia. This event is an international forum for computer science, information and communication technology community to discuss and exchange information and knowledge in their areas of interest. It aims to promote activities in research, development, and application on computer science, information and communication technology. The accepted publications will be considered to be included to the IEEE Xplore database.
For more information, please check
The scope of ICTS encompasses but not limited to the following:
- Bioinformatics/Biomedical Applications
- Big Data
- Computer Network and Architecture
- Content-Based Multimedia Retrieval
- Digital Forensic
- Distributed System
- E- Learning
- Enterprise Information System
- Formal Methods
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- High Performance Computing
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Image Processing
- Information Retrieval
- Information Security & Risk Management
- Infrastructure Systems and Services
- Intelligent Systems
- Knowledge Data Discovery
- Modelling Simulation and Applied Computing
- Multimedia Application
- Network Security
- Parallel Programming
- Pattern Recognition
- Remote Sensing
- Robotic
- Software Engineering
- Ubiquitous System and Infrastructure
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof. Kaoru Hirota (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Prof. Paul Strooper (IEEE Member, The University of Queensland, Australia)
- Prof. Hiroshi Nakano (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Important dates:
- Full paper submission: June 1, 2014
- Notification of acceptance: July 14, 2014
- Camera-ready paper submission: August 10, 2014
- Conference dates: September 24-25, 2014
Department of Informatics, Faculty of Information Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Jl. Teknik Kimia, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia 60111
- General Chair: Isye Arieshanti, M.Phil
- Email: icts[at]
- Facebook Page :
- Twitter :

Minggu, 27 April 2014

CITEE 2014 – The 6th Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

The 6th Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (CITEE 2014)  adalah seminar nasional tahunan ke-6 yang diselenggarakan oleh Jurusan Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada dengan menampilkan hasil penelitian, ide-ide inovatif, dan pengalaman dalam bidang teknik elektro dan teknologi informasi yang dipresentasikan dalam bentuk makalah atau poster. CITEE 2014 akan diselenggarakan di Yogyakarta bersamaan dengan International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE 2014),  Seminar Chief Information Officer 2014 (CCIO 2014), dan Regional Conference on Computer and Information Engineering 2014 (RC-CIE 2014) sehingga para peserta memiliki kesempatan untuk dapat bersosialisasi dan berinteraksi dengan para peserta seminar internasional.
Pembicara Utama
Prof. Marco Aiello
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RuG), NETHERLAND
Prof. Einoshin SuzukiProfessor
Kyushu University, JAPAN
Prof. Yoshio YamamotoProfessor
Tokai University, JAPAN
Pembicara Tamu
Prof. Jun MiuraProfessor
Toyohashi University of Technology, JAPAN
Prof. Katsuhiko HamamotoProfessor
Tokai University, JAPAN
Tony Seno Hartono

National Technology Officer

Microsoft Indonesia
Tanggal dan Tempat
7 – 8 Oktober 2014, Eastparc Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
“Leveraging Research and Technology through University-Industry Collaboration

Selasa, 15 April 2014

The 2014 IAES International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI 2014)

The 2014 IAES International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI 2014) is intended to provide technical forum and discussion related to electrical, electronics, instrumentation, control & telecommunication engineering; computer science and informatics. The conference is aimed to bring researchers, academicians, scientists, students, engineers and practitioners together to participate and present their latest research finding, developments and applications related to the various aspects of electrical, electronics, power electronics, instrumentation, control, computer & telecommunication engineering; signal processing; soft computing; computer science and informatics.
This event will be held between August 20 and 21, 2014 at the ROYAL AMBARRUKMO HOTEL in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. YOGYAKARTA has been known as “The Never Ending Asia” for its endless attractions and appeal. Yogyakarta ”the former capital of Indonesia” (often also called Yogya, Jogja or Jogjakarta) is a city of history. In 18th century, it was the center of ancient Mataram Kingdom which was prosperous and high civilized. This kingdom built Borobudur temple which was the biggest Buddhist temple in the world, 300 years before Angkor Wat in Cambodia.  It is one of the foremost cultural centers of Indonesia. It is a unique combination of ancient temples, history, traditions, culture and natural forces make it a very worthwhile place to visit. It is center of classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and puppet shows. It is a travelers paradise with a lot of fascination which have not been revealed, has no shortage of accommodation options: from inns to luxury star and boutique hotels. YOGYAKARTA at present is a place where tradition and modern dynamics are going on together  continuously. In this city, there is a palace which has hundreds of loyal servants to run the tradition. Some of its residents live in a strong agrarian culture. In the other side, there are also residents who live with pop life-style. Traditional markets and handicraft centers are numerous in the city where some of them located in the malls which are no less hectic.
The excellent papers presented at the conference (after extension) will be published in Journals Impact Factor from ISI Thomson and listed in SCOPUS, EI Compendex and IET INSPEC. Authors of presented papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IAES Journals (SCOPUS, EI Compendex and/or  INSPEC indexed journals). The INSPEC indexed journals will be available on Engineering Village, EBSCO, Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge Platforms through INSPEC database.

Paper Submission

  • Free one (1) registration for every five (5) papers registration of your and your colleagues.
  • Potential authors are invited to submit their original, unpublished works to EECSI 2014.
  • Please avoid submission of papers that are already published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Quick link to the online submission system through EDAS or EasyChair(Choose only one submission method. Don’t do duplicate submissions).
  • If you having problems uploading papers, please contact us at iaes.eecsi [at]
 Important Dates
  • Papers Submission Deadline: April 15, 2014
  • Extended deadline : April 30, 2014
  • Acceptance/ Rejection Notification: June 15, 2014
  • Camera Ready Submission: July 30, 2014
  • Registration Ends: July 30, 2014
 Conference Tracks
 Submission papers may fit into more than one review track, please select the one track that corresponds best to your submission.  The tracks are used for the purpose of reviewing papers submission. Accepted submissions will be grouped thematically (not necessarily by review track) in the meeting program. The tracks are:
  • Electronics Engineering
  • Electrical Power Engineering
  • Instrumentation and Control Engineering
  • Telecommunication Engineering
  • Computer Science and Informatics
  • Signal, Image & Video Processing
  • Apply for TELKOMNIKA ISSN 1693-6930 Special Section (If you apply for submission your revised or extended versions of papers published in this conference to TELKOMNIKA ISSN 1693-6930, SCOPUS and Ei Compendex indexed journal)
  • Apply for IAES Journals selected papers (If you apply for submission your revised or extended versions of papers published in this conference to IAES Journal, Ei-INSPEC indexed journals)
  • Apply for IJPEDS ISSN 2088-8694 Special Section (If you apply for submission your revised or extended versions of papers published in this conference to IJPEDS ISSN 2088-8694, SCOPUS indexed journal)
  • Special Invitation (If you are invited by organizing committee for preparing papers in special topics, or If you apply for submission your revised or extended versions of papers published in this conference to ISI Thomson, SCOPUS and Ei Compendex indexed journals, as appropriate)
Selected Papers in Reputable Journals
The excellent accepted papers after extension and modification will be published in Impact Factor (SCI-E ISI Thomson)SCOPUS, or EI Compendexjournals, as appropriate. Other Authors of presented papers also will be invited to submit extended versions to a IAES Journals (SCOPUS, EI Compendex and/or  INSPEC indexed journals). JFI, the INSPEC indexed journals will be available on Engineering Village, EBSCO, Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge platforms through INSPEC database.

Kamis, 03 April 2014



Duration of Studentship: 3 years full-time

Stipend: £15,863 + fees

The Department of Information Studies at University College London (UCLDIS) invites applications for a three year fully funded research studentship in the area of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.

UCL, based in the heart of London, is consistently ranked as one of the World's top universities. It has a strong culture and tradition of interdisciplinary research, which is one of the factors in it currently attracting more research funding than any other UK university. UCLDIS is a multidisciplinary department, with research and teaching programmes across a broad spectrum of information-related subject areas such as library studies, archive studies, publishing, digital humanities, information management, computing and artificial intelligence. It has four distinct research groups, including the Knowledge Organization and Representation Group (KOARG, which has a focus on the theoretical aspects and development of knowledge- and logic-based systems.

Studentship Description

The broad aim of the studentship will be to further research in the general area of logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning. The research will be co-supervised by Dr Rob Miller and Dr Antonis Bikakis, and so proposals for research that match with the particular interests of these individuals are particularly welcome. These interests include Reasoning about Actions, Commonsense Reasoning, Argumentation, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Defeasible Reasoning, Logic Programming and Ambient Intelligence. Following normal UCL procedure, initial registration will be for the degree of MPhil with an expectation that the student will successfully upgrade to PhD registration in their second year. It is expected that the studentship will commence on 1 October 2014, although other start dates are possible. It will include full payment of UK/EU fees and an annual stipend as specified above.

Person Specification

Applicants should have a masters-level degree in an area related to computer science, mathematics or logic, an interest in the research areas mentioned above, and good written, communication, and organisational skills. A familiarity with logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning and/or knowledge-based systems would be an asset.

Eligibility and Application Procedure

Due to financial constraints on the level of fees included in the studentship, applications are restricted to candidates from the UK or other EU countries. General information for doctoral applicants is available on the DIS webpages at: There will be a two stage application process for this scholarship. In the first instance, Â please email a full CV, including the names and contact details of two referees, and a statement of proposed research (not exceeding 750 words) to Kerstin Michaels (

For further details of the studentship or an informal discussion please contact DrRob Miller ( or Dr Antonis Bikakis (

Closing Date: 23 May 2014

Latest time for the submission of applications: 17.00

Studentship Start Date: 1 October 2014

See link:

Postgraduate Scholarship in Next Generation Mobile Communication Systems (5G)

Postgraduate Scholarship in Next Generation Mobile Communication Systems

Two full-time postgraduate scholarships are available for suitably qualified
candidates with a good honours degree or equivalent in science or
engineering to undertake research studies leading to PhD in
telecommunication networks.

The successful candidates will be hosted in the Centre for Real-time
Information Networks, University of Technology Sydney and conduct research
in the field of next generation mobile communication systems (5G).

The following topic areas in the next generation mobile communication
systems will be investigated (but not limited to):
* Modelling and performance analysis of dense and small-cell networks
* Network architecture design
* Spectrum and interference management
* Cooperative communication strategy
* Energy efficient communication techniques
* Information centric networks

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants should have solid mathematical, telecommunications
or electrical engineering background, and a particular interest in applying
sophisticated mathematical skills to study large-scale mobile communication
systems. The scholarship is only for PhD candidates. Successful applicants
should meet the admission requirements for PhD and are expected to start
their enrolment at the University of Technology Sydney in Semester 2, 2014
or Semester 1, 2015. Preference may be given to candidates who can start

AMOUNT AWARDED: The scholarship is valued at $25,392 per annum (tax exempt)
and may be renewed for up to three and a half years, subject to satisfactory
progress.  Successful applicants from overseas may also be awarded a tuition
fee waiver scholarship.

APPLICATION GUIDE:  Further information can be obtained from Professor
Guoqiang Mao, Director of Centre for Real-time Information Networks,
University of Technology Sydney (E-mail:
Applications should be sent directly to Prof Mao at the above address and
should include a curriculum vitae, a copy of an academic transcript, a
research proposal in the above mentioned areas, and the names and contact
details of at least two referees. For overseas students, English test
results, e.g. IELTS or TOFEL, should be included.
CLOSING DATE:  31 Mei 2014

Selasa, 01 April 2014

First Call for Paper: AIWEST-DR 2014, 10th year of The Indian Ocean Tsunami

Conference Theme:
"Surviving from Disaster with Knowledge Capacity: Lessons Learnt from

First Call for Papers

The Annual International Workshop and Expo on Sumatra Tsunami Disaster
and Recovery (AIWEST-DR 2014) organizing committee are pleased to
announce this call for papers for the 2014 event. This year, the
workshop is held in conjunction with the 4th Annual International
Conference (AIC) of Syiah Kuala University.AIWEST-DR has become one of
the largest conferences related to tsunami disaster research and
management in the Indian Ocean region, with over 1.000 delegates
attending the event consecutively since its first commencement in
2006. In 2014, the event becomes very important for commemorating a
decade of tsunami disaster that struck the Indian Ocean region on
December 26, 2004.Lessons have been learnt in the past ten years
during which interactions among different stakeholders, including
researchers, government officers, educators, students and industries
from different field of expertise have taken place.

As a key university in the region that directly affected by the 2004
Indian Ocean tsunami,SyiahKuala University has been actively involved
in the process of recovery. It also plays an important role
innurturing and delivering the disaster related knowledge to
thesociety, as well as to share lessons learnt from the disaster
mitigation. Other universities with similar experiences, either in
national or in foreign countries, must have been playing similarly
important role during the recovery of such disasters in their own
region. It is, therefore, the aim of AIWEST-DR 2014 is to provide a
platform to share each other's knowledge capacity in dealing with such
large scale disasters. Thus, this year's conference is dedicated for a
theme of"Surviving from Disaster with Knowledge Capacity: Lessons
Learnt from Universities".

Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit their extended
abstracts dealing withthe AIWEST-DR 2014 themes or related topics,
eitheir in special or regular sessions.
Panel Session
Panel session will be addressed by invited speakers (to be announced)
from various universities that directly affected by mega disasters.
The speakers will share their perspectives on the topic ofLessons
Learnt from Universities on Surviving Mega Disaster. Among others, we
are confirming representatives of the following Universities or
Institutes to share their lessons learnt and best practices:

1. Tohoku University, Japan
2. Kobe University, Japan
3. Fukushima University, Japan
4. GadjahMadaUniversity, Japan
5. Andalas University, Indonesia
6. Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
7. Thammasak University, Thailand
8. University of Philippine, Philippines
9. Christchurch University, New Zealand
10. Istanbul Technical University
11. University of Hawaii
12. International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Iran

We are looking forward to taking this opportunity to initiate the
"World Forum of Mega-Disaster-Affected Universities" as a platform for
sharing the best-practices and knowledge pertain to mega-disasters
among the directly affected universities.

Topics for Special Session
We will hold several special sessions that closely related to the
progress and status of recovery after 10 years of Indian Ocean
Tsunami. You are invited to submit extended abstracts related to the
recovery topics, which based on different perspectives and lessons
learnt from countries that were affected by the Indian Ocean tsunami.
The topics include, but are not limited to:

1. Recovery Plan: Formulation and Implementation
2. Infrastructure and Housing Reconstruction
3. Socio-economic Recovery
4. Mental Health Recovery
5. Disaster Risk Reduction and Community Preparedness
6. City Planning and Urban Renewal
7. Governance and Leadership during Recovery

Topics for Regular Session
Authors are also invited to submit their extended abstract in regular
sessions, which topics include, but are not limited to:
* Review and Recent Progress of Tsunami Science and Engineering
* Seismicity and Tectonics
* Hydro-Meteorology
* Disaster Education and Outreach
* Human Security
* Disaster Risk Management
* Disaster-related Technology
* Disaster Law, Institution, and Policy Matters
Student Forum
Especially for highly enthusiastic young researchers, we are
dedicating a special session for under-graduate and post-graduate
students to present their research works as well as to discuss
critical issues related to disaster-related research, best-practices
and lessons learnt from their participation during the recovery of
mega-disaster events.
Extended Abstract Submission
Please submit your extended abstract which has a maximum length of 2
pages (A4 size paper) to:

E-mail (1)
E-mail (2):

Important Dates
Extended Abstract submission deadline:1 June 2014
Notification of extended abstract acceptance: 30 June 2014
Full papers submission deadline: 16August 2014
Registration payment deadline: 1 September 2014
Conference dates: 22 - 24 October 2014
Excursion payment: to be announced

AIWEST DR 2014 Secretariat
Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC)
Syiah Kuala University
Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Hasan Street, Gampong Pie, 23233
Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Phone: +62-0651-8052009
Fax. +62-651-8052168
weblink:, email:

Registration form, paper writing instruction, and for more information
please visit: or email to:

For other inquiries, kindly contact:
Dr. Ella Meilianda, E-mail:, or

Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

IAES International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI 2014)

IAES Indonesia Section & Universities in Indonesia organize "2014 IAES International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI 2014)". The conference will be held in Yogyakarta on 20-21 August 2014. This event is intended to provide technical forum and research discussion related to electrical, electronics, instrumentation, control & telecommunication engineering, computer science and informatics. The Conference is aimed to bring researchers, academicians, scientists, students, engineers and practitioners together to participate and present their latest research finding, developments and applications related to the various aspects of electrical, electronics, power electronics, instrumentation, control, computer & telecommunication engineering, signal processing, soft computing, computer science and informatics.
Important Dates
    Regular Paper Submission: March 15, 2014
    Acceptance/ Rejection Notification: June 15, 2014
    Camera Ready Submission: July 30, 2014
    Registration Ends: July 30, 2014
General Guidelines and Preparation of Full Papers
    All papers must conform to standard IAES format and must be submitted as Ms. Word file format between 4 to 6 pages including text, figures, tables and references.

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Call For Paper SNATI 2014

SNATI adalah agenda rutin tahunan sebagai forum diseminasi informasi dan pengetahuan terkait aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (TI). Setiap penyelenggaraan SNATI selalu diapresiasi oleh peserta dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan latar belakang beragam, mulai dari akademisi hingga praktisi, mulai dari developer sampai end-user, baik dari sisi teknis, manajerial maupun dampak sosial dari aplikasi TI. Berbekal pengalaman selama 10 tahun, SNATI 2014 insya’Allah selalu tampil dengan citra seminar yang berkelas.
Kami mengundang Anda untuk menjadi pemakalah dan peserta di SNATI 2014!
Topik yang akan dibahas dalam SNATi 2014 meliputi semua hal yang terkait dengan aplikasi teknologi informasi dalam berbagai bidang yang ditinjau dari beragam perspektif. Contoh bidang aplikasi teknologi informasi, tanpa bermaksud membatasi, adalah:
  • Bisnis dan ekonomi
  • Pendidikan
  • Teknik
  • Geografi
  • Industri
  • Pemerintahan
  • Kesehatan dan medis
  • Informatika Teori
  • Lain-lain
Penulis harus mengumpulkan makalah lengkap (full paper) untuk proses review. Makalah ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris, 4-6 halaman dengan format IEEE (template bisa diunduh di bagian Download). Jika makalah yang dikirimkan tidak sesuai ketentuan, maka makalah akan dikembalikan tanpa review.
Seluruh paper terkirim akan diproses secara blind-review. Paper yang diterima akan dipublikasikan di prosiding seminar, diunggah di portal Journal UII, diindeks oleh portal Garuda DIKTI dan Google Scholar. Penulis yang mempresentasikan makalahnya pada pelaksanaan seminar akan mendapatkan sertifikat sebagai penyaji.
Registrasi Seminar
Makalah diterima akan dimasukkan ke dalam prosiding setelah penulis mengirimkan form registrasi seminar dan melakukan pembayaran ke rekening Bank Mandiri no 137-001-0393698 an Panitia Seminar FTI UII.
Call For Paper SNAT 2014 bisa di-download di : Call for Seminar Paper – JPG file
Penyelenggaraan SNATi 2014
SeminarSabtu, 21 Juni 2014
Bertempat diEastparc Hotel, Jl. Laksda Adisucipto Km.65,Seturan, Yogyakarta