Senin, 28 Desember 2015

World Conference on Innovation, Engineering, and Technology (IET 2016) Sapporo, Japan

Dear Colleague, The 2016 World Conference on Innovation, Engineering, and Technology (IET 2016) is to be held in Sapporo, Japan, on June 24-26. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform which focuses on certain important topics of Innovation, Engineering, and Technology. Detailed information about the conference can be found on the official website. We sincerely invite your participation for this event. Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN reference, on CD-ROM support. Conference Website: Online Submission: Enquiries: Submission Deadline: February 1, 2016 Sincerely yours, Secretariat IET 2016

Workshop Nasional INACL ,Indonesian Association for Computational Linguistics,Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia.

Workshop Nasional INACL (Indonesian Association for Computational Linguistics) akan diselenggarakan untuk pertama kalinya pada tanggal 6 - 7 Januari 2016 di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia.
Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi ajang untuk peneliti dan praktisi untuk berbagi ilmu dalam bidang teknologi bahasa, baik secara teoritis maupun terapan, khususnya terkait bahasa-bahasa yang berasal dari Indonesia. Sebagai workshop INACL yang pertama, tujuan utama kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengumpulkan para peneliti dan praktisi dan membangun komunitas, sehingga fokus dari sesi presentasi makalah adalah untuk mengetahui topik-topik riset apa saja yang sedang dikerjakan oleh kolega-kolega dalam komunitas INACL. Dalam rangka tersebut, kami mengundang dua jenis makalah:
  • Makalah ilmiah baru yang nantinya direncanakan akan di-submit ke sebuah konferensi atau jurnal lain, dengan tujuan untuk menerima masukan untuk peningkatan kualitas dari makalah ilmiah tsb., dan
  • Makalah ilmiah yang sudah pernah dipublikasikan sebelumnya, dengan tujuan untuk mensosialisasikan penelitian yang sedang berjalan.
Kami mengundang makalah dari berbagai jenis disiplin ilmu yang membahas teknologi bahasa, baik dari sisi linguistik teoritis maupun dari sisi ilmu komputer terapan, termasuk, tapi tidak terbatas pada:
  • Makalah mengenai aspek teoritis linguistik komputasional
  • Makalah mengenai penerapan pengolahan bahasa manusia
  • Makalah mengenai pengembangan sumber daya teknologi bahasa (language resources & tools)
Pengumpulan makalah minimal berbentuk judul dan abstrak yang cukup detil, namun tentunya diharapkan (namun tidak diwajibkan) agar makalah lengkap dapat dikumpulkan untuk nantinya diperbanyak dan dibagikan pada saat workshop berlangsung.
Makalah dapat dikumpulkan dalam bahasa Inggris maupun bahasa Indonesia, dan format naskah, batas halaman, serta ketentuan sitasi dianjurkan (tetapi tidak diwajibkan) untuk mengikuti panduan ACL 2015 yang dapat dilihat di
Batas akhir pengumpulan judul dan abstrak adalah Senin, 28 Desember 2015, 23:59 WIB, dan batas akhir pengumpulan makalah lengkap adalah Senin, 4 Januari 2016, 23:59 WIB.
Pengumpulan dilakukan via EasyChair di
Pertanyaan lebih lanjut mengenai makalah ilmiah INACL 2016 dapat dikirimkan ke Sdr. Bayu Distiawan (

Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, ISMS2016

Final Reminder, CFP: ISMS2016, Bangkok, Thailand, 25 – 27 January 2016.
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.
Submission DEADLINE:  1 January 2016
7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, ISMS2016
Conference website:
Papers are invited on any aspect of intelligent systems, their conceptual formation and development, principles, algorithms and architectures, their mathematical modelling and computer simulation to be presented at ISMS2016. Particularly welcome are papers presenting original unpublished work validated by experimentation, simulation or analysis with application and practical focus from both industry and academy, duly documenting lessons learnt from test-beds, field trials or real deployments.
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the EDAS system at event provides authors with an outstanding opportunity to network with international specialists and to present their work at a top quality IEEE published international conference.
Accepted papers will be published, subject to meeting quality criteria, by the IEEE Conference Publication Services, CPS, and then submitted for possible inclusion in IEEE-Xplore.
Selected papers will be submitted for publication in the International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology, IJSSST ( Visit the conference website for I-Xplore links for all previous conferences I this series.
– Intelligent Systems
– Hybrid Intelligent Systems
– Soft Computing and Hybrid Soft Computing
– Computational Intelligence
– Systems Intelligence
– Intelligence Systems
– Control of Intelligent Systems
– Control Intelligence
– Evolutionary computation
– e-Science and e-Systems
– Robotics, Cybernetics, Engineering, Manufacturing and Control
– Methodologies, Tools and Operations Research
– Bio-informatics and Bio-Medical Simulation
– Discrete Event and Real Time Systems
– Image, Speech and Signal Processing
– Industry, Business and Management
– Human Factors and Social Issues
– Energy, Power Generation and Distribution
– Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation
– Supply Chain Management
– Virtual Reality, Visualization and Computer Games
– Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Systems
– Internet Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies
– Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks, mobicast, sensor placement, target tracking
– Performance Engineering of Computer & Communication Systems
– Circuits, Sensors and Devices
The conference will focus on all aspects of intelligent systems, their mathematical modelling and computer simulation particularly those involving novel and hybrid intelligent systems. Topics may include, but not limited to:
– applications in advanced scientific research for aerospace, business and management
– algorithms, methods and their applications
– methodologies and tools
– energy, power generation and distribution
– distributed systems and networks
– geographical information systems (GIS)
– environment and health
– education and training
– bio-informatics, biology, medicine, public health
– remote sensing applications & technologies
– robotics, fuzzy modelling, control and automation
– software agents and agent based simulation
– knowledge and data mining
– neural networks and evolutionary computation
– swarm intelligence & technology
– architectures of intelligent systems
– image, speech and signal processing
– internet modelling, semantic web and ontologies
– business, management, finance, economics, global meltdown
– leisure, games, war/conflict/rebellion modelling
– psychology, cognitive functions, behaviour, emotion, subjectivity
– humanities, literature, semantics modelling/dynamics
– energy, power generation and distribution
– manufacturing, planning, control, robotics, measurement, monitoring
– safety critica1 systems
– transportation
– structural mechanics and civil engineering, oil and gas;
– education and training, military applications.
You are invited to submit:
– full paper of up to 6 pages (Letter) for oral presentation, see template on website
Submissions must be original, unpublished work containing new and interesting results that demonstrate current research in all areas of intelligent systems modelling and simulation and their applications in science, technology, business and commerce. As in all previous conferences in this series, papers will be submitted for publication in IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) indexed in IEEE Xplore.
ISMS2016 is organised and sponsored by UK Simulation Society/Asia Modelling and Simulation Section, and Technically-Co-Sponsored by IEEE R10. Patrons, Promoters and supporters of the conference include: Universities and institutions in Asia and Europe such as EUROSIM and European Council for Modelling & Simulation.
Paper Submission: ISMS2016 is using EDAS for paper submission, processing and registration, authors need to:
– create an account with EDAS by clicking on the link below
– open the list of conferences managed by EDAS & find ISMS2016
– click on Submit button on the right to enter your paper title & abstract
– upload file.
Attendance and presentation
1. Absence does not affect publication in the CD, it only affects submission and placement in I-Xplore (about 6 to 12 months after the conference).
2. Authors who find it impossible to attend but still wish their paper to be submitted to I-Xplore must upload their Presentation file to EDAS for review by the committee to approve submission to I-Xplore. The author must explain the reasons for absence in the first slide after the title slide with the name and email address of head of department or professor to confirm and support the reasons.
3. Authors who state they will attend but do not show up will not have the proceedings CD sent to them nor will their paper be submitted to I-Xplore.
4. The presentation program must be accurate to avoid time waste.
IEEE-Xplore: a paper will not be submitted to IEEE-Xplore if it suffers from one or more of the following problems:
1. Below average English,
2. Excessive number of citations to the authors own work in References,
3. Little interaction with EE and Computing,
4. Not within the conference scope or has not followed Template,
5. Author did not offer valid reasons for not attending, or did not upload to EDAS the presentation file (for committee review), or both.
Kindly promote ISMS2016 to all your contacts in your university, country and worldwide. Bangkok and Thailand are great places to visit and explore.  ISMS2016 is promising to be a top quality international conference and we don’t want anyone to miss a golden opportunity to mix and network with world specialists and forge new friendships and collaborations with colleagues from Asia, Europe and worldwide.
Selected papers will be submitted for publication in the International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology, IJSSST:, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, IJEEI, and International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and Its Application, IJASCAs
Best regards and hope to see you at ISMS2016 in January 2016!
On behalf of
ISMS2016 conference committee.
IEEE Region 10:
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