Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

International Conference on New Horizons in Education, Berlin, Germany,Scopus Indexed


Dear Colleague,

The Association of Science, Education and Technology (TASET), Governors State University, Vienne Technical University and Sakarya University are pleased to invite you to the 8th "International Conference on New Horizons in Education" to be held at Seminaris Hotel on Freie University Campus in Berlin, Germany on July 17-19, 2017.

The main aim of this congress is to bring scholars, researchers, educators, students, professionals and other groups interested in education to present their works in educational studies. This conference is now a well-known educational event worldwide and the number of paper submissions and attendees are increasing each year. Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit proposals for oral, poster and video presentations that offer new research and theoretical contributions in the field of education.

All accepted papers will be published in the Proceeding Book. All English papers will be published in TOJET (www.tojet.net) as a Special Issue. TOJET is indexed on Scopus and ERIC. Modified version of selected papers will be published in peer reviewed journals such as TOJNED and TOJDEL.


You can submit your abstract through http://www.int-e.net or email at: inteconferences@gmail.com

For our all conferences please visit TASET at http://www.taset.net


Abstract Submission: July 14, 2017

Registration Deadline: July 14, 2017

Full Paper Submission: August 20, 2017

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Berlin, Germany on July 2017.

Note: This is an academic event announcement. If you want to be excluded from our list kindly reply writing unsubscribe.

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

International Conference in Saving Energy in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (ICSERA) and 6th IEEE-International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT)-BALI 2017

Globalization today results in very competitive atmosphere in all aspects. This flourishing competition should consider the harmony and balance between human needs and the environment quality for creating favorable sustainable future. Taking part actively in that role. Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia proudly announces its 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) 2017. The main theme for this year conference is “Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable World”.
Under this theme the conference focuses on the innovative research and contribution in science and technology toward achieving sustainable world. In line with this theme, it is our utmost pleasure to hold the QiR 2017 in conjunction with International Conference in Saving Energy in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (ICSERA) and 6th IEEE-International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT).
The QiR 2017 will bring together national and international academicians, researchers, executives, government, industrial and business officials, practitioners and leaders to present and discuss a vast range of engineering, architectural designs and community development based on green and smart technology. It is our hope and aim that this conference would be able to provide an international media for exchange of the knowledge, experience and research as well as the review of progress and discussion on the state of the art and future trend of prospective collaboration and networking in broad field of science, technology and innovation.
Furthermore, QiR 2017 will also have benefit for industry sector, since it would create a close contact between and among the audiences. The audiences mostly come from different job and activities: therefore this is a great potential and opportunity to meet each other, creating fruitful discussions and broaden business relationship.