EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology
Call for Paper: Vol.6 No.1, June 2018 (Extended Submission)
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology (abbreviated as EMITTER) is a bi-annual journal that aims to encourage initiatives, to share new ideas, and to publish high-quality articles in the field of engineering technology. It primarily focuses on analyzing, applying, implementing and improving existing and emerging technologies and is aimed at the application of engineering principles and the implementation of technological advances for the benefit of humanity. The topics are as follows but not limited to electronics, mechatronics and robotics, informatics and computer, electric and energy, multimedia creative technologies.
This journal is currently indexed by DOAJ, Index Copernicus International(ICI), SINTA, Google Scholar, BASE Biefeld Academic Search Engine, and it is being evaluated by Clarivite Analytics and EBSCOhost. Since October 2017, the journal has been accredited by Ministry of Research, Technology and the Higher Education Republic of Indonesia.
We cordially invite you to contribute the original research paper to this journal. The deadline for article submission is extended up to 30 April 2018.
For more information, please visit our website at https://emitter.pens.ac.id