Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018
International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control Engineering,index by Ei Compendex, Scopus
2019 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control Engineering (ICECC 2019)
Phuket, Thailand | April 13-16, 2019
ICECC 2018 conference proceedings has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
Accepted papers of ICECC 2019 will be published into conference proceedings, which will be submitted for index by Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc.
Conference Committees & Keynote / Plenary Speakers
Prof. Chaodit Aswakul, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Prof. Chin E. Lin, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Prof. Hiroyuki Yamauchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
Important Date
Submission Deadline: December 01, 2018
Notification Date: December 20, 2018
Registration Deadline: January 05, 2019
Conference Dates: March 29-31, 2019
Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018
Fakta Sejarah Benturan NU Dengan Ormas/Orpol (Subversif)
Fakta Sejarah Benturan NU Dengan Ormas/Orpol (Subversif)
1. NU dengan Masyumi, yang bubar Masyumi
2. NU dengan PKI, yg bubar PKI
3. NU dengan PRRI/Permesta, yg bubar PRRI Permesta
4. NU dengan DI/TII, yg bubar DI/TII
5. NU dengan NII, yg bubar NII
6. NU dengan Gafatar, yg bubar Gafatar
7. NU dengan JI, yg bubar JI
8. NU dengan JAT, yg bubar JAT
9. NU dengan HTI, yg bubar HTI
Masih Tidak Yakin Kalau NU Sebagai Penjaga Negara dan Agama....??
Masih Berani Benturan Dengan NU....??
Tidak riya', hanya mempertegas kalau NU itu betul2 keramat...
1. Siapa yang pasang badan ketika Makam Rasulullah mau dimusnahkan pemerintah Arab Saudi yg Wahabi ?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui Komite Hijaz yang dibentuk HadratusSyech KH.Hasyim Asy'ari dengan mengutus KH.Wahab Chasbullah.
2. Siapa yang berjuang menumpas penjajah Jepang?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui barisan Hizbullah dan lainnya.
3. Siapa yang membumikan nama Indonesia dan mengusulkan Ir. Soekarno sebagai pemimpin?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui muktamar Banjarmasi sebelum kemerdekaan.
4. Siapa yang berijtihad bahwa Indonesia adalah negara Darussalam yang harus diperjuangkan?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui Bahtsul Masail dipenghujung tahun 1930-an.
5. Siapa yang mengeluarkan resolusi Jihad?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui fatwa Hadratussyaikh KH. Hasyim Asy'ari tanggal 22 Oktober. Memicu kejadian bersejarah tanggal 10 November.
6. Siapa yang menengahi perseteruan Nasionalis dan Islamis saat membuat dasar negara?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui sosok KH. Wahid Hasyim yang saat itu mengambil lima intisari Piagam Madinah.
7. Siapa yang meminta negara tetap mengayomi umat Islam pasca penghapusan tujuh kata dalam sila pertama Pancasila?
Jawabannya: NU, tatkala KH. Wahid Hasyim meminta dibentuk Departemen Agama.
8. Siapa yang dulu menetralisir kebijakan berbau komunisnya Bung Karno?
Jawabannya: NU, saat Kyai Wahab secara gesit masuk dalam barisan Nasakom untuk menghadang PKI mempengaruhi Soekarno.
9. Siapa yang menjaga keutuhan negara dan ikut bertempur saat Komunis melajalela?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui santri pondok dan barisan Pagar Nusa. Sebab waktu itu sasarannya adalah Kyai pondok.
10. Siapa yang berijtihad saat asas tunggal diberlakukan negara?
Jawabannya: NU, dimasa Kyai Ahmad Siddiq secara gesit menerima asas tunggal Pancasila dengan dalil-dalil sharih.
11. Siapa yang meminta pemerintah mengayomi seluruh ormas Islam di Indonesia?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui sosok KH. Ibrahim Hosen (ayahnya Gus Nadirsyah Hosen yang dituduh syiah, liberal, anti-Islam, wa akhawatuha itu) melalui usulan dibentuknya MUI.
Beliau juga yang meletakkan dasar-dasar ijtihad ijtima'i ala NU dalam tubuh MUI.
Sekelompok orang yang organisasinya dibubarkan berteriak lantang, "negara jangan semena-mena membubarkan kami, ingat, umat Islamlah yang memperjuangkan negara ini dari masa ke masa!!"
Jangan hanya like, copy langsung kirim ke yang lain...Biar ngerti tentang perjuangan NU......
1. NU dengan Masyumi, yang bubar Masyumi
2. NU dengan PKI, yg bubar PKI
3. NU dengan PRRI/Permesta, yg bubar PRRI Permesta
4. NU dengan DI/TII, yg bubar DI/TII
5. NU dengan NII, yg bubar NII
6. NU dengan Gafatar, yg bubar Gafatar
7. NU dengan JI, yg bubar JI
8. NU dengan JAT, yg bubar JAT
9. NU dengan HTI, yg bubar HTI
Masih Tidak Yakin Kalau NU Sebagai Penjaga Negara dan Agama....??
Masih Berani Benturan Dengan NU....??
Tidak riya', hanya mempertegas kalau NU itu betul2 keramat...
1. Siapa yang pasang badan ketika Makam Rasulullah mau dimusnahkan pemerintah Arab Saudi yg Wahabi ?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui Komite Hijaz yang dibentuk HadratusSyech KH.Hasyim Asy'ari dengan mengutus KH.Wahab Chasbullah.
2. Siapa yang berjuang menumpas penjajah Jepang?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui barisan Hizbullah dan lainnya.
3. Siapa yang membumikan nama Indonesia dan mengusulkan Ir. Soekarno sebagai pemimpin?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui muktamar Banjarmasi sebelum kemerdekaan.
4. Siapa yang berijtihad bahwa Indonesia adalah negara Darussalam yang harus diperjuangkan?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui Bahtsul Masail dipenghujung tahun 1930-an.
5. Siapa yang mengeluarkan resolusi Jihad?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui fatwa Hadratussyaikh KH. Hasyim Asy'ari tanggal 22 Oktober. Memicu kejadian bersejarah tanggal 10 November.
6. Siapa yang menengahi perseteruan Nasionalis dan Islamis saat membuat dasar negara?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui sosok KH. Wahid Hasyim yang saat itu mengambil lima intisari Piagam Madinah.
7. Siapa yang meminta negara tetap mengayomi umat Islam pasca penghapusan tujuh kata dalam sila pertama Pancasila?
Jawabannya: NU, tatkala KH. Wahid Hasyim meminta dibentuk Departemen Agama.
8. Siapa yang dulu menetralisir kebijakan berbau komunisnya Bung Karno?
Jawabannya: NU, saat Kyai Wahab secara gesit masuk dalam barisan Nasakom untuk menghadang PKI mempengaruhi Soekarno.
9. Siapa yang menjaga keutuhan negara dan ikut bertempur saat Komunis melajalela?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui santri pondok dan barisan Pagar Nusa. Sebab waktu itu sasarannya adalah Kyai pondok.
10. Siapa yang berijtihad saat asas tunggal diberlakukan negara?
Jawabannya: NU, dimasa Kyai Ahmad Siddiq secara gesit menerima asas tunggal Pancasila dengan dalil-dalil sharih.
11. Siapa yang meminta pemerintah mengayomi seluruh ormas Islam di Indonesia?
Jawabannya: NU, melalui sosok KH. Ibrahim Hosen (ayahnya Gus Nadirsyah Hosen yang dituduh syiah, liberal, anti-Islam, wa akhawatuha itu) melalui usulan dibentuknya MUI.
Beliau juga yang meletakkan dasar-dasar ijtihad ijtima'i ala NU dalam tubuh MUI.
Sekelompok orang yang organisasinya dibubarkan berteriak lantang, "negara jangan semena-mena membubarkan kami, ingat, umat Islamlah yang memperjuangkan negara ini dari masa ke masa!!"
Jangan hanya like, copy langsung kirim ke yang lain...Biar ngerti tentang perjuangan NU......
International Conference on E-Business and Applications (ICEBA 2019) ndexed by EI Compendex and Scopus
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ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems Special issue on Urban Mobility: Algorithms and Systems
ACM Transactions on Spatial
Algorithms and Systems
Special issue on Urban Mobility: Algorithms and Systems
Guest Editor
Dr. Sreenivas Gollapudi, Google
Aim and Scope
Urban Mobility deals with movement of passengers and goods in the highly complex urban setting. This is becoming increasingly critical as we march toward the smart city era. The goal of research is to advance the state-of-the-art on Intelligent Transportation Systems in cities where the challenges multiply from noisy signals, highly dynamic traffic events resulting from changing demands, closures and accidents, multiple modes of transport, personalized preferences, and many traffic movements, e.g., commute, personal, touristic, services, etc.
This special issue intends to bring together transdisciplinary researchers and practitioners working in topics from multiple areas, e.g., Data Mining, Machine Learning, Algorithms, Numerical Optimization, Public Transport, City Planning, and Traffic Engineering among others. The ultimate goal of this venue is to evaluate not only the theoretical contributions of the data-driven methodology proposed in each research work, but also its potential deployment/impact as well as its advances with respect to the State-of-the-Art/State-of-the-Practice in the domains of the related applications.
This special issue on Urban Mobility: Algorithms and Systems will be published in ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS).
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Ride sharing platforms
Object tracking
Multi-modal transport
Last mile connectivity
Dynamic routing algorithms
Scalable routing engines
Incentives for congestion routing
Trajectory analysis (dealing with quality and uncertainty)
Traffic light management
Spatial user behavior characterization
Geospatial prediction
Similarity measures for geospatial data
Location privacy, data sharing and security
Web and real-time applications
Mobile systems and vehicular ad hoc networks
Spatial data structures and algorithms
The journal welcomes articles on any of the above topics or closely related disciplines in the context of urban mobility. TSAS will encourage original submissions that have not been published or submitted in any form elsewhere, and submissions which may significantly contribute to opening up new and potentially important areas of research and development. TSAS will publish outstanding papers that are "major value-added extensions" of papers previously published in conferences. Such extensions should contribute at least 30% new original work. In this case, authors will need to identify in a separate document the list of extensions over their previously published paper. For more information, please visit https://tsas.acm.org/authors.cfm or contact the special-issue guest-editor at sgollapu@google.com.
Important Dates
Dec 15, 2018: Deadline for submissions of full length papers
Feb 15, 2019: Notification of initial reviews
Mar 15, 2019: Deadline for revisions
May 01, 2019: Notification of final reviews
Jun 01, 2019: Submission of final camera-ready manuscripts
ACM Transactions on Spatial
Algorithms and Systems
Special issue on Urban Mobility: Algorithms and Systems
Guest Editor
Dr. Sreenivas Gollapudi, Google
Aim and Scope
Urban Mobility deals with movement of passengers and goods in the highly complex urban setting. This is becoming increasingly critical as we march toward the smart city era. The goal of research is to advance the state-of-the-art on Intelligent Transportation Systems in cities where the challenges multiply from noisy signals, highly dynamic traffic events resulting from changing demands, closures and accidents, multiple modes of transport, personalized preferences, and many traffic movements, e.g., commute, personal, touristic, services, etc.
This special issue intends to bring together transdisciplinary researchers and practitioners working in topics from multiple areas, e.g., Data Mining, Machine Learning, Algorithms, Numerical Optimization, Public Transport, City Planning, and Traffic Engineering among others. The ultimate goal of this venue is to evaluate not only the theoretical contributions of the data-driven methodology proposed in each research work, but also its potential deployment/impact as well as its advances with respect to the State-of-the-Art/State-of-the-Practice in the domains of the related applications.
This special issue on Urban Mobility: Algorithms and Systems will be published in ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS).
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Ride sharing platforms
Object tracking
Multi-modal transport
Last mile connectivity
Dynamic routing algorithms
Scalable routing engines
Incentives for congestion routing
Trajectory analysis (dealing with quality and uncertainty)
Traffic light management
Spatial user behavior characterization
Geospatial prediction
Similarity measures for geospatial data
Location privacy, data sharing and security
Web and real-time applications
Mobile systems and vehicular ad hoc networks
Spatial data structures and algorithms
The journal welcomes articles on any of the above topics or closely related disciplines in the context of urban mobility. TSAS will encourage original submissions that have not been published or submitted in any form elsewhere, and submissions which may significantly contribute to opening up new and potentially important areas of research and development. TSAS will publish outstanding papers that are "major value-added extensions" of papers previously published in conferences. Such extensions should contribute at least 30% new original work. In this case, authors will need to identify in a separate document the list of extensions over their previously published paper. For more information, please visit https://tsas.acm.org/authors.cfm or contact the special-issue guest-editor at sgollapu@google.com.
Important Dates
Dec 15, 2018: Deadline for submissions of full length papers
Feb 15, 2019: Notification of initial reviews
Mar 15, 2019: Deadline for revisions
May 01, 2019: Notification of final reviews
Jun 01, 2019: Submission of final camera-ready manuscripts
Minggu, 14 Oktober 2018
2nd International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (ICBDSC 2019) ,Scopus Indexed
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Senin, 08 Oktober 2018
International Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology (ICAIIT) on 13-15 March 2019 in Yogyakarta,Indexed by IEEE
International Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology (ICAIIT)
on 13-15 March 2019 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Dear Colleagues,
2019 is the first International Conference of Artificial Intelligence
and Information Technology
co-technically sponsored by IEEE Indonesian Section and IEEE The
Indonesian Section Computer Society Chapter and organized by Universitas
Atma Jaya Yogyakarta and Kalbis Institute. ICAIIT 2019 will be held on
13-15 March 2019 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
goal is to provide opportunities for academicians, industrial
expertise, and practitioners
to present their latest activities developments in the conference’s
interest areas. The conference aims to build a durable, innovative and
conductive forum for international researchers to present and discuss
recent advancements and future directions in the
fields of artificial intelligence and information technology.
We would like to invite you to contribute your original work on topics in the following, but not
limited to, tracks and special sessions:
- Expert System
- Intelligent System
- Cloud Computing
- Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Internet of Things
- Pattern Recognition
- Mobile Application
- Digital Image Processing
- Data Security
- Video Processing
- Text recognition
- Text mining
- Information Retrieval
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Text Processing
- Computer Vision
- Data Mining
- Knowledge Data Discovery (KDD)
- Deep Learning
- High Performance Computing
- Signal Processing
- UI/UX Design
- GIS/Spatial Data Analysis
All accepted, registered and presented papers will be published by IEEE
Submissions should be made via EDAS conference management system. Unregistered authors should
first create an account on EDAS to log on. Papers are accepted through the online submission tool at http://edas.info/N25141
papers must be original contributions and not previously published, nor
currently under consideration
for publication elsewhere. Authors are invited to submit papers in at
least 4 pages and not more than 6 pages in A4 Paper size, written in
English, in Microsoft Word format, and compliant with the IEEE standard (http://www.ieee.org/ conferences_events/ conferences/publishing/ templates.html).
Authors are kindly invited to submit their papers as per the schedule below,
- Full Paper Submission Deadline : 01 December 2018
- Notification Acceptance Deadline : 16 December 2018
- Final Paper Submission and Payment Deadline for Early Bird Rate: 22 December 2018
- Final Paper Submission and Payment Deadline for Normal Rate: 23 December 2018-24 January 2019
- Conference Dates : 13-15 March 2019
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof. Andrea Corradini (Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Denmark)
- Associate Professor Wladyslaw Homenda (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
- Dr. Suryadiputra Liawatimena (Universitas Bina Nusantara, Indonesia)
- Wu Hai Yong, Ph.D. (Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, China)
for further information please visit: http://fti.uajy.ac.id/ icaiit/ or
contact us at icaiit.info@uajy.ac.id
Martinus Maslim, S.T., M.T.
Chair of ICAIIT 2019
------------------------------ ---------------------------
Informatics Engineering Department
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Jl. Babarsari 43 Yogyakarta 55281
Telp +62 274 487711 ext 3151, 3156
Fax +62 274 485223
website : http://fti.uajy.ac.id/icaiit
e-mail : icaiit.info@uajy.ac.id
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2018
The World Symposium on Communication Engineering (WSCE 2018) Published by IEEE
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Senin, 01 Oktober 2018
IEEE TENSYMP 2019, IEEE and Scopus Indexed
Paper Submission for TENSYMP-2019 is now open.
Prospective authors are invited to submit paper via conference website or by clicking onto the link given below:
Willing authors have to submit full paper with four to five pages in double-column IEEE conference format via the conference website. More information about paper format and guidelines for paper submission can be found at the conference website. The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library.
The paper submission for the conference can be made in the following tracks:
Track-I: Signals and Systems
linear and nonlinear, 1D, 2D and multi dimensional signal processing, VLSI, ASIC and FPGAs,
communication circuits and systems, Intelligent systems, distributed circuits and systems
Track-II: Control Systems & Applications
Non-linear Control, Stochastic Control, Intelligent control, Iterative learning and Repetitive control, Industrial Control
Applications of Control Theory in various fields.
Track-III : Robotics & Mechatronics
Innovations in theoretical robotics, serial and parallel robot design, path planning and control, Autonomous mobile and walking robot design, developments and innovations in robotics, swarm robotics, design and development of robot gripper
Biommetic robot design and development
Track-IV: Power & Energy
Mini, Micro, Smart and Future Power Grids, Wide Area Monitoring and Control of Power Systems, Power System Economics
Grid interaction of Renewable Energy Sources, Dielectrics & High Voltage Systems, Energy Storage Systems,
Modelling, analysis and design of Electrical Machines and Electromagnetic Devices, FACTS Controllers and HVDC Systems
Power Converters, Power Quality, EMI and EMC issues in Power Electronic Systems, improvement of Power quality etc
Track-V: Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics
Bioinformatics, Immuno-informatics, Metabolomics, Genomics, Proteomics, Transcriptomics.
Systems Biology, Disease Analysis, Healthcare Informatics, Medical Image Analysis, Bioengineering
Track-VI: Machine Learning and Data Analytics
Statistical learning, deep learning, ensemble methods, nature inspired learning, learning theory, probabilistic models and transfer learning.
ML techniques healthcare, manufacturing, retail, education, transportation, and commerce.
Track-VII: Communication
5G & protocol, Sensors and actuators, IoT, Dynamic sensor networks, Information retrieval using Machine Learning, Vehicle tracking system, Big Data and self-organized networking, Mobile Data analytics, Quantum communication, Cognitive Radio, Radar waveforms for Aerospace system, RF system for wireless applications, 3D Beamforming, antenna & applications, Millimeter wave system design.
Track-VIII: Computational Intelligence
To cover different areas of computational intelligence which includes but is not limited to fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, artificial neural networks, Bayesian learning, support vector machines, self-organizing systems and hybrid intelligence systems
Track-IX: Emerging Technologies
Nano-electronics, Memristors, MEMS, 3D-IC, Intelligent Hardware and Systems, Automotive Systems, Neuromorphic Computing, Quantum, Computing, Microfluidic Biochips
Best Regards,
Sanjay Kar Chowdhury,
IEEE TENSYMP 2019 Conference Chair
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