Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Call for Paper Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST) UNM 2018

Call for Paper EST UNM 2018

Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST) is International Journal a peer-reviewed scientific open access, with e-ISSN : 2477-3840 and p-ISSN 2460-1497 published by Graduate Program of Universitas Negeri Makassar

✍ We invite you to submit your paper to EST. Papers submission deadlines:
Vol.4 No.1 April 2018, submission deadline: 1 Maret 2018
Vol.4 No.2 August 2018, submission deadline: 1 Jule 2018
Vol.4 No.3 December 2018, submission deadline: 1 November 2018
:envelope_with_arrow:send email: link:

✍ Submit your manuscripts today (in indonesia and English) through our online system,
EST UNM  has been index by  DOAJ, EBSCO, IPI, Copernicus, Crosscref, Google Scholars, Perpusnas, PKP, SINTA, ISJD LIPI, BASE, ROAD, Neliti, OAJI, DRJI,ESJD

:point_right: Aims and Scope EST UNM:

1. Research in education,
2. Teaching and learning,
3. Theory and practice in education,
4. Education policy,
5. Curriculum and materials development,
6. Education on culture and characters of nation,
7. Teacher education,
8. Technology and media of teaching,
9. Technology education
10. Education psycology

Editor in chief
CP/Wa. 085299898201

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