Jumat, 27 April 2012

IEEE Indonesia Joint Chapter Microwave, Theory and Techniques dan Antennas and Propagation (MTT/AP)

Yth. Bapak/Ibu yang Berbahagia, Kolega dan Teman Sejawat di Tempat,

Dengan senang hati kami bermaksud mengundang Bapak/Ibu dosen, peneliti, perekayasa, praktisi industri, dan pekerja profesional untuk ikut berpartisipasi dengan mengirimkan makalah 2–4 halaman ke Seminar Nasional Microwave, Antena dan Propagasi (SMAP 2012). Seminar ini diselenggarakan oleh IEEE Indonesia Joint Chapter Microwave, Theory and Techniques dan Antennas and Propagation (MTT/AP), ditujukan sebagai forum untuk mendorong penelitian di bidang microwave, antena, propagasi dan bidang terkait lainnya. Selain itu juga, memberikan kesempatan untuk saling berbagi pengalaman dan membangun jaringan di antara para penggiat bidang microwave, antena, propagasi dan bidang terkait lainnya.

SMAP 2012 akan diadakan di  Pusat Studi Jepang, Universitas Indonesia, Depok pada tanggal 2–3 Oktober 2012

Topik-topik makalah mencakup, namun tidak terbatas pada:
  • Antena
  • Elektromagnetika
  • Elektronika Radio
  • Fotonik
  • Komunikasi Nirkabel
  • Komunikasi Pita Lebar
  • MEMS Radio
  • Microwave
  • Pendidikan Keteknikan
  • Propagasi Gelombang Radio
  • Radar dan Satelit
  • Rangkaian dan Sistem
  • RFID
  • Teknik Radio
Selain itu, kami juga menyelenggarakan Workshop Microwave dengan topik "Desain Antena dan Divais Microwave Pasif" yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2012.

Biaya Registrasi peserta adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Seminar dan Workshop
Mahasiswa anggota IEEE: Rp 400.000,-
Mahasiswa non anggota IEEE: Rp 500.000,-
Umum anggota MTT/AP Chapter: Rp 800.000,-
Umum anggota IEEE: Rp 900.000,-
Umum non anggota IEEE: Rp 1.000.000,-

2. Workshop saja
Mahasiswa anggota IEEE: Rp 200.000,-
Mahasiswa non anggota IEEE: Rp 250.000,-
Umum anggota MTT/AP Chapter: Rp 400.000,-
Umum anggota IEEE: Rp 500.000,-
Umum non anggota IEEE: Rp 600.000,-

3. Seminar saja
Mahasiswa anggota IEEE: Rp 300.000,-
Mahasiswa non anggota IEEE: Rp 350.000,-
Umum anggota MTT/AP Chapter: Rp 500.000,-
Umum anggota IEEE: Rp 600.000,-
Umum non anggota IEEE: Rp 700.000,-

Jadwal lengkap mengenai pengiriman makalah adalah sebagai berikut:

Batas Akhir Pengiriman Makalah: 18 Juni 2012
Pengumuman Penerimaan: 31 Juli 2012
Pengiriman Makalah Siapa Cetak: 31 Juli - 10 September 2012
Registrasi: 6 Agustus - 14 September 2012
Workshop: 2 Oktober 2012
Seminar dan Pameran: 3 Oktober 2012
Untuk tambahan halaman karena makalah melebihi 5 halaman dikenakan biaya ekstra per halaman. 
Template makalah dapat didownload di alamat website http://map.or.id/.

Setiap makalah yang telah diregistrasi, wajib untuk dipresentasikan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi laman web berikut ini:

Untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi:
sekretariat@map.or.id atau basari@ieee.org

Ditunggu makalah dari Bapak/Ibu sekalian untuk disampaikan pada SMAP 2012.
Kami mohon kesediaan Bapak/Ibu juga untuk dapat menyebarluaskan undangan ini ke semua jejaring yang Bapak/Ibu miliki. 

Terima kasih banyak.
PS. File Call for Papers dapat dilihat dalam file attachment email ini.

Hormat kami,
a.n. Panitia Seminar Nasional MAP (SMAP) 2012
Basari, Ph.D
Sekretariat Seminar Nasional
Microwave, Antena dan Propagasi (MAP)
Departemen Teknik Elektro, FTUI
Kampus Baru UI Depok, 16424

Kamis, 26 April 2012

IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (Extended to 10 May 2012)

I am happy to announce that the March Issue 2012 of IAES  International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) now is available with 5 new papers.
Please take a look at http://iaesjournal.com/online/index.php/IJAI/issue/view/24

Please remember we have deadline for: Vol.1 No.2 June 2012, the deadline for submission is Extended to 10 May 2012

The aim of the IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) is to publish well-written studies and research articles that describe the latest research and developments in the area of artificial intelligence (AI). This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of artificial intelligence and its application in the following topics: neural networks; fuzzy logic; simulated biological evolution algorithms (like genetic algorithm, ant colony optimization, etc); reasoning and evolution; intelligence applications; computer vision and speech understanding; multimedia and cognitive informatics, data mining and machine learning tools, heuristic and AI planning strategies and tools, computational theories of learning; technology and computing (like particle swarm optimization); intelligent system architectures; knowledge representation; bioinformatics; natural language processing; etc.

Call for papers

Kindly please register on: http://iaesjournal.com/online/index.php/IJAI/user/register, and submit your paper using our online submission and reviewing system

or submit your paper by email to: ijai@iaesjournal.com, cc: editor@iaesjournal.com


Vol.1 No.2 June 2012, the deadline for submission is Apr 10, 2012. (Extended to 10 May 2012)

Vol.1 No.3 September 2012, the deadline for submission is Jul 10, 2012.

Vol.1 No.4 December 2012, the deadline for submission is Oct 10, 2012.

Please do not hesitate to distribute this announcement.
Thanks a lot for your efforts and interest.

Best regards

Minggu, 22 April 2012

Buletin Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics)

Call for Papers

Vol.1 No.3 Sep 2012, submission deadline: 10 Jul 2012
Vol.1 No.4 Des 2012, submission deadline: 10 Oct 2012

Buletin Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics)

The journal is open to submission from scholars and experts in the wide areas of electrical, electronics, instrumentation, control, telecommunication and computer engineering from the global world. 

The journal publishes original papers in the field of electrical, computer and informatics engineering.

Focus and Scope

The journal is open to submission from scholars and experts in the wide areas of electrical, electronics, instrumentation, control, telecommunication and computer engineering from the global world. 

The journal publishes original papers in the field of electrical, computer and informatics engineering which covers, but not limited to, the following scope:

Electronics: Electronic Materials, Microelectronic System, Design and Implementation of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), VLSI Design, System-on-a-Chip (SoC) and Electronic Instrumentation Using CAD Tools, digital signal & data Processing, , Biomedical Transducers and instrumentation, Medical Imaging Equipment and Techniques, Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing, Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Engineering, Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems;

Electrical and Power Engineering: Electrical Engineering Materials, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Power Electronics, Power Quality, Power Economic, FACTS, Renewable Energy, Electric Traction, Electromagnetic Compatibility, High Voltage Insulation Technologies, High Voltage Apparatuses, Lightning Detection and Protection, Power System Analysis, SCADA, Electrical Measurements;

Telecommunication and Information Technology: Modulation and Signal Processing for Telecommunication, Information Theory and Coding, Antenna and Wave Propagation, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Radio Communication, Communication Electronics and Microwave, Radar Imaging, Distributed Platform, Communication Network and Systems, Telematics Services and Security Network;

Instrumentation and Control Engineering: Optimal, Robust and Adaptive Controls, Non Linear and Stochastic Controls, Modeling and Identification, Robotics, Image Based Control, Hybrid and Switching Control, Process Optimization and Scheduling, Control and Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligent and Expert System, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network, Complex Adaptive Systems;

Computer Engineering and Informatics: Computer Architecture, Parallel and Distributed Computer, Pervasive Computing, Computer Network, Embedded System, Human—Computer Interaction, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Computer Security, Software Engineering (Software: Lifecycle, Management, Engineering Process, Engineering Tools and Methods), Programming (Programming Methodology and Paradigm), Data Engineering (Data and Knowledge level Modeling, Information Management (DB) practices, Knowledge Based Management System, Knowledge Discovery in Data), Network Traffic Modeling, Performance Modeling, Dependable Computing, High Performance Computing, Computer Security, Human-Machine Interface, Stochastic Systems, Information Theory, Intelligent Systems, IT Governance, Networking Technology, Optical Communication Technology, Next Generation Media, Robotic Instrumentation, Information Search Engine, Multimedia Security, Computer Vision, Information Retrieval, Intelligent System, Distributed Computing System, Mobile Processing, Next Network Generation, Computer Network Security, Natural Language Processing, Business Process, Cognitive Systems.

Online Submissions

Already have a Username/Password for Buletin Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics)?
Go to Login
Need a Username/Password?
Go to Registration
Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

Buletin TEI Call for Papers 2012

Redaksi mengundang para penulis untuk mempublikasikan makalahnya yang merupakan naskah-naskah kreatif dan inovatif yang disusun berdasarkan hasil eksperimen pada skala laboratium, studi kasus ataupun implementasi real di lapangan (baik simulasi ataupun implementasi hardware), atau naskah yang menghadirkan isu-isu/liputan terkini secara singkat terkait bidang:
  1. Teknik Elektronika
  2. Teknik Instrumentasi dan Kendali
  3. Teknik Tenaga Listrik
  4. Teknik Telekomunikasi dan Teknologi Informasi
  5. Sistem Informasi
  6. Teknik Komputer
  7. Teknik Informatika
Makalah yang disusun berdasarkan hasil eksperimen bisa langsung dikirimkan melalui sistem online yang telah disediakan. Namun makalah yang menghadirkan isu-isu/liputan terkini, konsep pemikiran atau kajian pustaka yang menghadirkan "state of the art" Penulis diperlukan mengajukan draft awal naskah kepada Ketua Penyunting dengan dilampiri CV.
Vol.1 No.3 Sep 2012, submission deadline: 10 Jul 2012
Vol.1 No.4 Des 2012, submission deadline: 10 Oct 2012

Segera kirimkan naskah Anda melalui sistem online yang disediakan, atau jika kesulitan silakan kirimkan via email: tei@journal.uad.ac.id

Selasa, 10 April 2012

[IEEE Xplore/ISI/Ei] Informatics Track Extended Deadline 21 May, Chongqing, China

Topics of the BMEI 2012 Special Track on Informatics include (but are not limited to): Communications and Networking, Software Engineering, Data Engineering, Intelligent Computing, Information Security, Automation and Control, etc.. Due to numerous requests, the submission deadline is extended to 21 May 2012.

We cordially invite you to submit a paper to the upcoming 2012 5th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2012) and 2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2012), to be jointly held from 16-18 October 2012, in Chongqing, China. BMEI'12-CISP'12 is a premier international forum for scientists and researchers to present the state of the art of multimedia, signal processing, biomedical engineering and informatics. BMEI’12-CISP’12 is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

As with past CISP-BMEI conferences, all papers in conference proceedings will be indexed by both EI Compendex and ISTP, as well as included in the IEEE Xplore (IEEE Conference Record Number for CISP'12: 20190; IEEE Conference Record Number for BMEI'12: 20189). Substantially extended versions of best papers will be considered for publication in a CISP'12-BMEI'12 special issues of the Multimedia Tools and Applications and China Communications journals (both SCI-indexed).

Renowned as the Mountain City, Chongqing is a magnet for visitors from home and abroad for its cultural heritage and numerous attractions. There are many karst caves, hot springs, and gorges in the area. Major tourist spots in and near Chongqing include Dazu Grottoes (rock carvings began in the Tang Dynasty 650 A.D.), Three Gorges, Jinyun Mountain Natural Reserve, Hongya Cave, Shibaozhai, Wulong Karst, etc.. The registration fee of US$430 includes proceedings, lunches, dinners, banquet, coffee breaks, and all technical sessions.

To promote international participation of researchers from outside the country/region where the conference is held (i.e., China’s mainland), researchers outside of China’s mainland are encouraged to propose invited sessions. The first author of each paper in an invited session must not be affiliated with an organization in China’s mainland. All papers in the invited sessions can be marked as "Invited Paper". The organizer(s) for each invited session with at least 6 registered papers will (jointly) enjoy an honorarium of US*D 400. Invited session organizers will solicit submissions, conduct reviews and recommend accept/reject decisions on the submitted papers. Invited session organizers will be able to set their own submission and review schedules, as long as a list of recommended papers is determined by 10 August 2012. Each invited session proposal should include: (1) the name, bio, and contact information of each organizer of the invited session; (2) the title and a short synopsis of the invited session. Please send your proposal to cisp-bmei@cqupt.edu.cn

For more information, visit the conference web page:


If you have any questions after visiting the conference web page, please email the secretariat at cisp-bmei@cqupt.edu.cn

Join us at this major event in beautiful Chongqing !!!

Organizing Committee


Minggu, 08 April 2012

International Conference on Education & E-Learning Innovations ICEELI' 2012 , July 1-3 Sousse,Tunisia

Final Call for Paper - April 25th

International Conference on Education & E-Learning Innovations
2012 , July 1-3



The International Conference on Education & E-Learning Innovations, ICEELI' 2012, is to take place in July 1-3, Sousse, Tunisia.
It is an honour for us to welcome the worlds' specialists in the field who will have an opportunity to debate throughout the Conference on the general theme Education and E-Learning Innovations. A diverse program including renowned keynote speakers and technical sessions addressing up to date research is proposed in the conference.
We cordially invite you to submit your Abstract or Full research paper to International Conference on Education & E-Learning Innovations, ICEELI' 2012, July 1-3, Sousse, Tunisia. Download the Call for Paper document. Selected papers will be proposed to be published in international journals. Please visit www.iceeli.org for further conference details.
Important Dates:
Abstract/Full paper submission: April 25, 2012
Notification of acceptance: May 5, 2012
Camera ready version: May 15, 2012
Final registration deadline: May 15, 2012

We would like to thank you in advance for your scientific contribution to the ICEELI'2012 Conference and would appreciate if you could give the largest diffusion to this invitation.

Click to download ICEELI'2012 CFP